The following Email was sent to DIRNSA (an unmentionable
word at one time) on Saturday, 30th March 2002, since previous Emails to President George W Bush about this subject brought
no results.
The critical factor is that those abusing their power in the
extreme and whom I characterise as being "psychopathic" (without any moral standards whatsoever) have employed and exploited
others especially one particular individual to assist them in its usage. This person has been dedicated to stalking
and harassing me for years since I reported her child abuse among a group of people in May 1998. Her criminal character
has been well noted by me in extensive correspondence. She has no scruples whatsoever and is totally unqualified as
to character or background to be made privileged to the most sophisticated surveillance equipment known to mankind and most
especially given the access to what is in my brain as memories of national security matters from my previous work in
Air Force Intelligence when serving my military obligation from 1961 to 1964. In short, she is a blabber mouth and does
not hesitate to tell all and sundry whatever she wants to bolster her own self importance.
This really reflects those of similar character selecting
other members of the general public to assist them in carrying out this extraordinary surveillance activity which is no surveillance
activity at all but an experimental endeavour intended to create what it purports to observe. It is destructive
in the extreme and its activities constitute attempted murder.
As regards to my work in Air Force Intelligence as a Communications
Intelligence Analyst, it was what I did with great pride during a Cold War period which reflected extraordinary events.
After I entered the Air Force in June 1961, there followed:
1. The Berlin Wall went up in August 1961. I thought
that meant war was at hand.
2. In October 1962 there was the Cuban Missile Crisis.
We all were ready for the missiles to be launched from Cuba. These had a range of 1800 miles. Although I did not
participate directly in this, someone who worked right next to me did. He went to Key West where he flew missions during
the crisis. It has been well noted that most including the critical information which was available during this
crisis came from SIGINT (Signals Intelligence).
3. On 22nd November 1963 President John F Kennedy was
assassinated. Just three weeks before that a coup was staged in Saigon overthrowing the then President of South Vietnam.
It has been subsequently noted that the CIA was behind this coup. However, for us working at that time, JFK's assassination
was a terrible blow from an unknown enemy whom we felt was being addressed and contained by our work.
4. The background to this period was the critical time
in Vietnam which was followed by its subsequent escalation after Lyndon Baines Johnson was elected president in November 1964
when I was discharged from the Air Force. I was not a supportor of the Vietnam war or its escalation. Please
read Neil Sheehan's "A Bright Shining Lie" for an extraordinary account of Vietnam in the pivotal years of 1962 and 1963 when
events were "managed" to produce the eventual massive US involvement which did occur.
This was my military service which we were all obligated to
serve in those days. I did so with great confidence that what I was doing as regards to working with intercepted communications
from foreign military sources which were deemed a Cold War enemy was in the national interest of the US and all its people
as well as the world at large.
However, due to my personal experience, I now see what
has been happening against this background with regard to the existent total invasion of the human being by means of
surveillance equipment. I completely and utterally repudiate it since it carries such a potential for abuse of
power and destruction which was formerly unknown to mankind until now.
What has gone wrong, how, why and where must be addressed
so that the course of human events can be altered to prevent the loss of what all those in past wars and conflicts have sacrificed
so much in order that we might enjoy the freedom and life which we have today.
This does not mean using this surveillance equipment
in a suppressive and destructive way. It means recognition of it as a weapon of mass destruction which should be treated
accordingly with great control and virtual non-use.
Whether that is possible remains to be seen, but it is why
I am publishing all of this to make the problem known so it can be dealt with properly, thoroughly and adequately to prevent
abuse and the subversion of democracy itself. Perhaps my military service will continue to be of benefit.