Surveillance: A Most Unreasonable Search and Seizure
Shut Down Effort 27/28th July 2002
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Shut Down
Saturday, 27th July 2002
(Last Revised Monday, 9th December 2002)

The Computer Outage Desscribed Contined for Almost Three Months. Key Issues Highlighted Are:

Interfering in Human Activity
Perverting the Course of Justice

Shut Down

Saturday, 27th July 2002

The Right Honourable Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
BY FAX 0207 925 0918 [Sunday, 28th July 2002]

Dear Mr Prime Minister

I am writing this letter to you since your name was mentioned quite loudly this afternoon by the one noted herein as "Lt Harry X" a US Government Agent. This was done apparently in refusing some advice as if your name was used as the ultimate authority who has sanctioned all that has happened and was behind all that he himself, "Lt Harry X", was doing. In other words if this apparent Her Majesty's Government person to whom he was talking had a problem with the actions of "Lt Harry X", he should contact "Tony Blair." If it is any consolation, he also has noted the names of "David Blunkett" frequently too along with that of "Jack Straw" who was mentioned this very morning.

Furthermore, when I sent a fax to you on 23rd September 1999 about this same matter, your reply was to the effect that you could not interfere in investigations. My point then as described in that letter and now is that my experience to which I am being subjected is not an investigation, but it is a fabrication. Surveillance equipment of the most sophisticated kind at the forefront of brainwave monitoring and feedback and computer technology are being misused and abused as weapons of attack with lethal intent along with the more commonly known surveillance technology equipment.

This is a continuous 24/7 process of interrogation which utilises terror and torture methods made possible by the surveillance equipment to attack and shut down all human activity. It has been going on for over a year with this most sophisticated surveillance equipment noted as an "experiment" and in total for four years. However, there is no interrogation in any acceptable legitimate sense in the manner of current police processing where a person is provided legal counsel who can be present and is carried out under the most rigorous of legal procedures to protect the presumption of innocence. In this instance which I am experiencing directly there is every attempt to impose an already determined judgement upon this situation disregarding any contrary facts while falsifying allegations. This letter deals with the following key issues among others:

Interfering in Human Activity
Perverting the Course of Justice

While I was preparing lunch yesterday, Friday, 26th July 2002, the US Government Agent "Lt Harry X" claimed "I broke him down." He made this false statement in front of a group which included other vigilantes like himself and representatives of Her Majesty's Government. He has been claiming this as his "objective" for over a year now. This was a false claim for "success." What he has done has been to "Shut him down" which is another of his stated objectives and is well within his ability to do so thanks to the technology equipment being used.

On 15th May 2002 this same US Government Agent "Lt Harry X" Ex-US Marine carrying out 24/7, minute-by-minute harassment activity against me stated "I'll shut him down." This is what has been occurring in the extreme since that time.

As noted in my Monday, 22nd July 2002, Email, the desktop system could not be booted as of Friday night, 19th July 2002. Actions and verbal confirmations by "Lt Harry X" had made it clear then, during this past week and particularly yesterday that he and his recruit, a non-resident female member of the general public whom I reported for child abuse on Tuesday, 5th May 1998, among a group of four adults in the flat below mine, were explicitly responsible for stopping the proper functioning of the desktop computer.

This has denied me the ability to meet my legal obligations and responsibilities denying me access to Email, the Internet and financial accounts which are just a few of the activities essential to me by using the desktop computer. I want to note explicitly that this was done under the auspices and direct supervision of members of Her Majesty's Government who apparently gave their support. In fact, one of them, "Paul" was noted as being told by "Lt Harry X" that "He can't prove it" when I was pointing out earlier in my diary/logs noting the source of the problem. This came from a query by "Paul" as to my statement at that time.

This was the second time that "Paul" had been told this in conjunction with a shut down of essential human activity. Earlier this summer he had been told the same thing in conjunction with deliberate blockage of the water drain from this flat which occurred in conjunction with the water sampling process that has been going on since December 1999 and directly threatens my life since I have no lymph nodes under my right arm from cancer surgery and am susceptible to bacterial infection. Fortunately, this week after some eight weeks or so of this drain's sporatic operation, it has been restored to full draining capability.

On Thursday afternoon, 25th July 2002, I was able to work around the computer boot problem and load the full Windows 98 system, but the ADSL telephone line for Internet connection was out as noted on the modem itself. It was clear by the functioning of the modem that this was the case while the computer connection to the modem was all right. It has been "Lt Harry X's" objective to deny me any Internet access which has been part of his 24/7 campaign since 25th March 2002 when I connected to ADSL for the first time after a 39-day computer outage at that time. See "Pithy Quotes" at the end of this letter when it was noted that I was his "prisoner" and apparently subjected to any interference he deemed desirable. In his case, that means the total shut down of all my human activity so that he can "Break me down."

Thursday night, 25th July 2002, as I was working on the fully loaded and operational system minus the Internet connection, there were many people outside under my windows commenting on my activity. When "Lt Harry X" informed Her Majesty's Government representative "Paul" that I had succeeded in rebooting the entire computer system, he replied "Uh, oh." One male noted that I was a "Radical". This was a direct personal attack against me that I resented since he was using it superficially to characterise what I was reading over the Internet and writing in my own communications. The effort to deny me computer operation and Internet access is a direct censorship attempt which is now successful. Much has been made about my Internet activity as regards to the content of what I am doing. While I think it constitutes being well-informed, others attack me personally with verbal abuse as regards to it. The research I accomplish for background information as regards to the surveillance activity is particularly resented and subjected to censorship.

Therefore, every effort has been made to stop my Internet access ability by stopping access to many web sites that I use while also attempting to disrupt and delay Email usage. Finally, last Friday, 19th July 2002, after I had just sent an Email that afternoon and one the previous afternoon which met with much verbal objection from "Lt Harry X", the desktop system was rendered inoperable on reboot. It was that way for six days until Thursday afternoon, 25th July 2002, when I managed to work around the problem.

For almost 24 hours I was able to get on with my work until I needed to reboot again yesterday afternoon, 26th July 2002, when not only did I meet with the same error problem on reboot, but it occurred when I used the work-around solution which had previously been effective. Much comment at this time came from "Lt Harry X" and his non-resident female recruit from the general public to verify the fact that it was certain that they were deliberately preventing me from being able to use the computer. Just prior to this the female had yelled "Somebody help me" as she was trying to cope with a backup process in which I was engaged.

She copies files, alters them and replaces them using surveillance software in order to pervert the course of justice. She had been unable to do this effectively evidently during this 24-hour period and was concerned about my backing up files which would provide a standard that could be used to judge whether or not the files had been tampered with. This has been going on for a year or more now with extensive examples of such activity numbering in the hundreds so that it is fully known and understood as something which happens and is possible with the surveillance software. One of the objectives of this pair of non-law enforcement surveillance operators is to deny me the ability to present evidence of their activity to prove my points as regards to their perverting the course of justice.

I am quite concerned about the ADSL line failure. This was a hardware detection at the modem and had nothing to do with the computer operation. The modem revealed that the ADSL line was not operating. When this was noted by "Lt Harry X," he began yelling something about "Service" out front under my window as regards to BT providing the necessary repairs. It has been my experience with this broadband telephone Internet connection that it has been subject to complete control by the surveillance activity with numerous references to this process in conjunction with telephone usage. Although I began to pursue this problem, that stopped Friday afternoon, 26th July 2002, when I was once again unable to properly reboot the desktop computer.

There are three key areas where direct criminal harassment is employed against me for maximum effect to shut down all aspects of my life:

1. Chronic sleep deprivation by being woken at short intervals throughout the night and kept awake for periods of time often finally driven out of bed;

2. Purportedly surreptitious medication by one of any of several means which are frequently noted as "He's drugged"; and

3. Constant minute-by-minute, 24/7 criminal harassment.

In conjunction with number 3 I am falsely accused of being "Potty" and/or "Psychotic" and of having "killed his mother." There are variations on these themes using different words, but this is essentially the false allegations. There are also some other false allegations of violence or threatening behaviour which are totally fabricated since I have never engaged in either at any time throughout my life. Imputing such mental illness by a false diagnosis and fabrication of evidence provides a smokescreen and weapon for those engaged in the criminal activity against me to hide behind and attack me personally to discredit what I describe as the reality of this situation. All activity described is quite real, associated with definite people and noted within the context relating to my personal activity.

"Lt Harry X" who is a trainee in this so-called surveillance activity works with another US Government Agent who is a more experienced Colonel Vine also an Ex-US Marine. He has stated explicitly to a direct question that "He actually did not kill his mother." Further, I believe that it was he who has also noted explicitly that "We don't have proof that he killed his mother." These are the accurate statements since this event never occurred, and there would be no evidence. What is occurring, however, is the total effort to make false claims about the existence of such evidence.

However, "Lt Harry X" for reasons of his own corrupt self interest is pursuing these false allegations in the most extreme criminal vigilante manner possible taking the law entirely into his own hands doing exactly what he pleases. This is done, as noted, under the direct supervision and control of Her Majesty's Government representatives who not only know fully what he is doing but approve of the "Shut him down" process up to a point. Thursday night, 25th July 2002, about midnight, Her Majesty's Government representative by the name of "Paul" was heard saying "It is not worth doing the shut him down activity." This was stated after I had recovered the full reboot for the computer system.

This fully acknowledges a collusion, conspiracy and acting as an accessory to such criminal activity directed against me continuously day and night in order to "Shut him down." However, after I apparently had successfully recovered the operation of the desktop computer system, "Paul" was of a mind to discontinue such activity. Talking with "Lt Harry X" about curtailing his criminal activity is like talking with a brick wall as was noted this afternoon when I had to reboot and have now lost usage of the desktop computer once again except for the very limited usage of it in the "Safe Mode." During the past couple of weeks, there have been instances where someone has advised "Lt Harry X" on proper conduct including maintaining the presumption of innocence as he continued in his criminal vigilante fear mongering campaign by publicly announcing frequently the false allegation "He killed his mom/mother" apparently in order to justify his criminal conduct.

As regards to number 1 above concerning chronic sleep deprivation, Thursday night, 25th July 2002, is an excellent example. I got less than three hours sleep in three segments between 2300 and 0200 (Friday, 26th July 2002) being woken at midnight after being alseep less than 45 minutes, woken again at about 0130 and then just before 0200. Thereafter, I was kept awake for an hour by constant verbal harassment from "Lt Harry X" and his female recruit from the general public who were spending the night as they always do on the public road outside my window. There was the sound of the arrival of several autos and the noises that this entailed as they continued their false allegations which finally drove me out of bed about 0300.

I was up from then on and have had little sleep today since being woken last at 0200 following less than three hours sleep. After four years of this kind of surveillance equipment driven harassment, chronic sleep deprivation has put me at a greatly increased risk from a heart attack. This has been recently noted in an Email, but it goes on without abatement.

Once again, last night, Friday, 26th July 2002, I was woken about 2220 within 20 minutes of falling asleep by the excessive disturbances which had been going on outside my front window all day and evening. I was woken again at midnight. At 0200 (Saturday, 27th July 2002) I was woken by a loudly talking, yelling and laughing group of males outside my front window repeating "Potty." It sounded like a key member of this group is one whose voice I recognise by the name of "Mike". A male from the "Lt Harry X ************ Road Gang" who sounded like the one named "Tom" told this group to remain silent since "He might commit suicide." This was picked up by the group who laughingly repeated it loudly as they continued in their mocking and verbal abusive manner which went on for about 30 minutes until about 0230 before it subsided, and I returned to sleep.

There is no danger of my committing suicide. In addition to not being a threat to anyone I am not a threat or danger to myself. All of this is also fabricated to enhance the self-importance of those carrying out this extensive surveillance activity and to provide a false justification for all that they do. It means that they can play on others emotions especially fear to increase their own stature and maintain this activity so that the paychecks and funding continue to support it. It is a total waste of taxpayer money as it is being carried out under totally false pretences.

I also want to point out that apparently there was no call to the police to stop this public order disturbance at 0200 which went on for 30 minutes. It was so loud and boisterous reflecting a lynch mob mentality with its hysteria that it certainly had to disturb the entire environment. By contrast, the police are called any number of times during the night on false pretexts as regard to me and false allegations made against me. There ensues the continues command, demand, order and incitement for whoever was called to "Get him out; he's psychotic; he killed his mother." When there is a real and genuine disturbance, apparently the police are not summoned. When there is nothing but a fabrication made to support the corrupt self interest of the "Lt Harry X ************ Road Gang," the police are summoned by a false emergency call repeatedly and incited to carry out a crime. This reflects far more than just a double standard.

As regards to number 2 above about the surreptitious medication being given to me in my home without my knowledge or consent, this is a derivative of the chronic sleep deprivation in actuality but has been the product of a false diagnosis based upon debility attributed to activity which does not exist and maintained by the continuous false allegations. The purpose of the surveillance equipment is to verify this activity. It never has been verified. Instead the surveillance equipment is abused and misused to make continuous false allegations. These two people dominate the utilisation of the surveillance equipment 24/7 in order to facilitate the debility which they create by chronic sleep deprivation but falsely allege that it comes from their accusations which are derived from observations which do not reflect any reality about what is actually happening.

As a result of these false allegations and the false allegations relating to purported violence and threats, a programme of such medication has apparently been developed to ADD TO the already existing debility thus compounding it negatively and increasing it and its threat to my life. This adds a double whamming to the debility as regards to the physiological functioning of the endocrine and metabolic systems while creating risk of collapse in the peripheral organs such as the cardiovascular system (heart), kidneys, liver, etc. I have stated this recently but emphasise it here again since there have been no steps to reverse this totally falsely premised activity.

In order to further support the false allegations which pertain to "Potty" and/or "Psychotic" every single thing that I do during the day and night no matter where it is and what I am doing is attacked with these allegations in a totally meaningless, insignificant, trivial and superficial manner. The surveillance equipment is used to note typos when I am using the computer, any small thing I do while cooking and a myriad of petty details of no consequence. It is this kind of continuous harping on the mundane in order just to impact me with harassment that occupies much of my time during the day and night for I make notes of it either by writing or recording on a tape recorder. I use the latter to capture the time and verbal abuse when I am moving about including outdoors where these two follow me everywhere I go with a constant stream of verbal abuse about what I am doing. The point of this is to create problems and "errors" to then pounce on these as well.

The whole point of this has been described by Colonel Vine as intended to create "resentment" and eventually provoke me. This kind of activity has been going on for over four years, and I have not been provoked yet. I do not think that I will be provoked any time soon. In fact, I have always made it a point to make certain that I never contribute to the situation by responding in kind in any way except in my own private notes to characterise what is said by those who continuously hide from me day and night using the surveillance equipment to be as destructive as possible. I note what they do in conjunction with their activity and so name various people whom I only hear by characterisation to enable me to recall events vividly for the purpose of legal presentation and witness testimony at a future date.

Circumstances have been of such an extreme nature while being directly life threatening that I have had to correspond at length to those in a position of responsibility characterising what is happening as realistically as possible in order to seek relief which has not been forthcoming. Thus, I continue to correspond, and this is what has been attacked by part of the "Shut him down" objective. All that I write here has been carefully monitored, commented upon and subjected to loud verbal abuse while writing it last evening and this morning.

This is part of the four objectives from these vigilantes:

1. Break him down
2. Shut him down
3. Kidnap him
4. Kill him

All of these are being carried out simultaneously by this process using surveillance equipment as a lethal weapon. I am kept prisoner in my home noted as being under "House arrest." The sum of the first three activities above are intended to kill. The attempt to "Break him down" has always been stated as an objective. Now, "Lt Harry X" has been claiming credit prematurely at midday, Friday, 26th July 2002 that he "Broke him down." "Shut him down" has been articulated explicitly and continuously as have all these and the evidence of the actions has been most visible to all.

This whole process is total vigilante behaviour taking the law entirely away from this democratically determined nation usurping the laws of Parliament, undermining law enforcement and totally replacing the judicial system with charges, judgement, sentencing and punishment all in the hands of a few. I am currently being executed by these people under the guise of carrying out some other activity. In fact, what is the continuously voiced objective is to remove me from my home by force and violence constantly ordered, commanded, demanded and incited by "Lt Harry X" and the female member of the general public to "Get/take/pull him out." This threat of violence against me is yelled minute-by-minute with the other verbal abuse when there is no legal basis for any such action against me.

These people are trying to get someone else to commit this crime. Usually, it appears to be a member(s) of the emergency services who ultimately refuse. Or, they may be oftentimes staging a show just for the sake of pure harassment. What is important in revealing the intention of this activity is that it is all made available for my hearing. That alone tells me it is intended to impact me in the most negative way possible in direct violation of Section 3 of the Protection From Harassment Act of 1997 among numerous other criminal and legal statutes.

Every effort is being made to shut down all my activity so that I cannot address this problem. All my legal, civil and human rights are being denied in the extreme in order to impose false allegations that have no foundation whatsoever in reality. These are made up by others who now possess the surveillance equipment weapon which they think they can use to make their false allegations and perversion of the course of justice a reality. Most importantly, they are making every effort to avoid any respect for and recognition of the laws of this country or the legal justice system in favour of vigilante actions.

Finally, in essence this is a witch hunt no different than those which flourished in this country several hundred years ago with the same methods being carried out as then only by now with the use of surveillance equipment. The technology has changed, but the human animal remains the same. Laws and the legal system have evolved to the point where a civilised democracy, the mother of western democracies, has put witch hunts into the past by utilising standards and procedures of protection which preclude those kinds of abuses. These are all being cast aside by a few individuals for their own corrupt self interest objectives (greed, glory and power) while trying to dominate and control by means of fear, hatred, anger, bigotry and ignorance. Law, law enforcement and the court system have all evolved to eliminate these emotional disasters and provide forums and standards for getting at the truth. Those who do not want to live by the truth and prefer to fabricate engage in the kind of vigilantism which is trying to destroy my life by shutting down all aspects of it.

Those who are afraid of the truth try to destroy it. They invent names as personal attacks such as "Psychotic" to use as a smokescreen and a weapon. They try to hide behind it and discredit what I have to say. There is no foundation for this allegation. It is made emotionally for self protection and self preservation. It is trumped up. This is the new word for witch. In its actual usage it is just as meaningless.

Yours sincerely

Gary D Chance

Pithy quotes:











JULY 2002

24TH JULY 2002

24TH JULY 2002

26TH JULY 2002

26TH JULY 2002

Grab That Greed; Hold It Tight;
Pull That Power; Really All Right;
Strive For Glory; What A Story;
Fight For Crime, VCOP APE All Hoary;

APE (Agitator Provocateur Exterminator)
VCOP (Vigilante Crimimal Operations Programme)

aka Virtual Cop

Email distribution [Saturday, 27th July 2002]:

"US Gov President George W Bush"
"UK Gov The Prime Minister Tony Blair"
<by fax 0207 925 0918>
"UK Gov HM Treasury Chancellor Gordon Brown"
"UK Gov Home Office Secretary David Blunkett"
"UK Gov DOH Secretary Alan Millburn"
"UK Gov DWP Secretary Andrew Smith"
"UK Gov DTI&W Secretary Patricia Hewitt"
"UK Gov MP Karen Buck" <>,
"St Mary's Chief Executive" <>
"St Charles Chief Executive" <>
"Western Eye Hospital General Manager"
"Media BBC Today" <>,
"Media BBC PM" <>,
"Media BBC World At One" <>,
"Media BBC Broadcasting House" <>
"Media Telegraph Crime" <>,
"Media Independent News Editor"
"Media Times Letters" <>,
"Media Times Sunday Letters" <>
"Media Guardian Letters" <>,
"Media Evening Standard Letters" <>

Shut Down Addendum 01
(Sunday, 28th July 2002)

Big Brother Government

". . . That is why I call all of this activity fabrication and not an investigation. . . . My conclusion is that the Government is running its own "Big Brother" programme exactly along the lines of the [TV broadcast] which panders to the dark side of the human character."

Shut Down Addendum 01

Sunday, 28th July 2002

[NB This was faxed to the Prime Minister yesterday, Sunday, 28th July 2002, about 1900. During its writing and faxing, I was subjected to continuous verbal abuse, intimidation and implied threats of violence in the form of "Take him out" from the usual vigilante suspects gathered under my windows while apparent representatives of Her Majesty's Government were present and joining in. "Lt Harry X" was yelling about the "TV programme" and one of the others said "That is for Alistair Campbell." As I was faxing it or at about that time, "Lt Harry X" shouted something about the "Lord Chancellor" in the context of what I took to mean that the Lord Chancellor had approved of his activities. Therefore, "Lt Harry X", ex-US Marine and US Government Agent, acting in a vigilante criminal mode has apparently stated that his activities have been sanctioned by and are subject to the authority of the Prime Minister, the Secretaries of State for the Foreign and Home Offices and the Lord Chancellor.]

The Right Honourable Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
BY FAX 0207 925 0918

Dear Mr Prime Minister

Re Email "Shut Down" Sent 27.07.2002 and Faxed 28.07.2002

This is an addendum to the above noted correspondence which was just faxed to you Sunday, 28th July 2002, shortly after 1500.

The events in that Email/Fax noted above were repeated last night and this morning in such a manner as to warrant calling them to your attention against the background of the third showing of the "Big Brother" TV broadcast which ended this weekend and was discussed on BBC's Radio 4 "Broadcasting House" this morning. I believe the points made in that discussion and my experience as described are extremely important as they relate to standards in a democratic society which purports to claim fairness, justice and the presumption of innocence while preserving human and legal rights.

First, I would urge you to listen to that broadcast on Broadcasting House's web site. All the points of view were expressed by Angel Rippon, Kevin O'Sullivan writing for the Daily Mirror, a former participant in the first broadcast and a producer of the programme. Obviously, I have a point of view which would take points made by Angela Ribbon as germane to the evaluation of sociological and psychological factors revealed.

Second, my points are that all humans carry the whole character potential for the human animal inside including the good, the bad and all areas in between. We cannot look at Germany in the 1930s and say that what occurred in connection with the rise of the Third Reich was part of the German character. It is part of all humans' characters. The point is to recognise the bad/evil and prevent it. I believe that a government should reflect the standards which are to be emulated by the population at large. In the Third Reich a government came to power which pandered to and played upon the standards of a tyranny and police state which those in a free democracy abhor.

Third, the sociological and psychological issues raised in the discussion and interviews by Eddie Mair on Broadcasting House this morning contained references to abuse of people by name calling and the apparent character trait in the human animal that sees evil and prefers to create that perception whether it is there or not. This was elucidated in an interview with a former participant from the first broadcast of "Big Brother" who was amazed at the negative reactions and characterisations following her appearance on the programme which still occur. Further, Mr Mair discussed this with Mr O'Sullivan at length as regards to the participants in the current programme which just ended. I thought this reflected broadcast journalism at its best.

One of the propensities of the human character is to create an enemy often used as a rallying point and scapegoat for the mob. People project what is inside themselves onto this external object and seek to destroy it in some way. In the case of the TV "Big Brother" this manifests itself in banishment week by week of undesirables or those who are considered so resulting in one who is left as has just occurred. The most profound manifestation of this programme appears to be the vilification of the participants in the media as the programme continues speculating on who will be the ultimate survivor. Problems have arisen as to questions about manipulation and providing situations where the participants are provoked into behaviour that might not otherwise occur. This is all apparently done in the interest of entertainment and commercial success to gain viewers.

The human character thus revealed is not the standard by which a society can hope to function and claim fairness, justice and an objective rendering of judgement. I believe, however, that in my situation for the past four plus years there has been precisely this failure of standards and gross manipulation present for crass, corrupt self interest reasons. An interesting comment from a producer of the "Big Brother" programme and the early participant was that the exposure provided participants with opportunities that they would not have achieved otherwise. However, there was some doubt expressed as to the price paid for what amounted to "notoriety" to gain this end and whether it was worth it.

The standard displayed by this TV programme is not a standard which can be maintained by society and its government in a democracy, but in my case for the past four years I have been the unwilling victim of a "Big Brother" syndrome where the surveillance equipment has been placed in the hands of the local tenants and members of the general public to carry out their own "Big Brother" purge by manipulation and fabrication outside the laws and legal procedures established in this democracy. I believe that the real danger and threat to this social order and government is the acceptance of the "Big Brother" standard as that by which a society can function. Clearly, such a standard would undermine all the institutions and laws established for the proper functioning of a society.

This has happened in my situation. Everybody has been invited to watch and listen to all my activity inside my home, monitor and interfere with all my personal activity and plug into all my brainwave sensory output including thoughts and images as well as my utilisation of computer technology. The purpose of this was to humiliate as much as possible by the grossest, most indecent and falsely obscene allegations which were shouted publicly by all and sundry continuously taking on many forms of expression as the years evolved. The surveillance equipment was used as a weapon to attack and destroy in every conceivable way possible to drive me out of my home and into disgrace. I have not done so since this was entirely fabricated, and the true source of the problem could easily be recognised by the proper use of the surveillance equipment. This has not occurred.

After I sent the "Shut Down" Email yesterday morning, Saturday, 27th July 2002, many of the events noted therein repeated themselves with a vengeance in the following afternoon, night and morning. I want to recap these very briefly to demonstrate that nothing has changed when everything should have changed long ago:

I. False Allegations

A. In the late afternoon stomach rumblings were deliberately misrepresented as sexual activity with a very loud, sustained response for considerable time including my doorbell ringing which I ignored due to the threats against me.

B. At about 0500 I was driven out of bed by further false allegations of the same nature from the two key people involved who had been active all night in stalking and harassing me from ************ Road outside my window. This then continued while I was taking a bath.

C. Surveillance equipment was used to make these false allegations of the most intimate kind. I carefully explained what had occurred which was being deliberately misrepresented. The point in making such false allegations is to have me removed by force and violence from my home. I have documented all the verbal activity from these people which occurred in these circumstances.

II. Deliberate Efforts To Wake Me Causing Chronic Sleep Deprivation

A. At about 2140 after I had been in bed for about 40 minutes and appeared to be asleep, a loud, heavy rolling occurred on the floor directly above the bed. This was followed by stomping on the floor above the bed and the dropping of a heavy bouncing object which was left to bounce to a stop in three or four bounces. These were continuous noises for many minutes which occurred simultaneous with verbal abuse from outside my front window directed at me.

1. Unlike the night before when I was woken just about 20 minutes after going to sleep with a dream at the same time, this was an instance where I was still awake and "caught" whoever it was making noises which were obviously a deliberate attempt to wake me. I have been documenting this precise kind of activity from the flat above for years. They have worked directly with those in the flat below in order to carry this out to wake me for the effect it might have in causing me to make a noise as I wake like talking in my sleep. This is done for the benefit of those outside acting as observers and the sounds made by those above are falsely attributed to me.

B. I was woken by some unknown disturbance at about 2300 after only about 30 minutes sleep. I noted this on the tape recorder and quickly went back to sleep.

C. Shortly after midnight just like the previous night at 0200, there were the sounds of a mob of people yelling, shouting and laughing outside. This again went on for several minutes and included one male who was laughing in such a distinctive manner that it reminded me of the last time I heard him laugh like that. Comments made clearly related this to my activity.

1. On the evening of 10th September 2002, I heard this same male laughing while he was shouting directly under my window "I hate Americans" numerous times. After the incredibly tragic events on the following day, "911", he dared to come back that Friday, 14th September 2002, with his peculiar laugh. I made a point of either noting the fact of his extreme bigotry by writing or recording it on the tape. This was picked up by these people by means of the surveillance equipment, and he remained silent. Yesterday, Saturday, 27th July 2002, was the first time I have heard him since then, and I heard him in the late afternoon and then again at midnight making detailed notes of what was happening.

D. There were other wake ups during the night with noises from people which clearly made these disturbances well connected with me and my sleeping/waking states. These too are well documented including an instance when I once again fell asleep while recording what was happening with the tape recorder left on. Waking a little later, I caught it and heard a male talking loudly about the fact of what had happened with the tape recorder outside my front window. I was so tired that I just went off to sleep after being disturbed in the middle of making a recorded note about it.

III. Direct Verbal Abuse While Using The Desktop Computer Sunday morning, 28th July 2002:

A. I was preparing the necessary VAT return which had to be filed.

1. As I was sorting the documents in order to do so, I received direct name-calling verbal abuse of "Potty." This was part of continuous verbal abuse of this kind as I worked including the word "Psychotic." This is what they are trying to fabricate as images by this criminal harassment. .

2. I was fortunately able to use the desktop computer to access the spread sheet with the last quarter's VAT return information. I was using Win98 Safe Mode to do so, but it is not intended to be used for processing only repairing problems. .

a. As I was doing this work, everything I did was attacked by the same verbal abuse with comments to "Write it down" as if it was of some substance. The two prime people noted in the Email "Shut Down" were those carrying out this direct criminal harassment facilitated by the use of the surveillance equipment.

3. There were also repeated demands, orders, commands and incitements to "Take him out" as I was working and completing this VAT return.

4. All of this activity was quite intense and intended to distract, disturb, disrupt and even destroy my VAT return filing. I have documented it thoroughly as it occurred while I was working.

5. Although the computer system was available for this limited use, I could not scan the VAT return to print and electronically store it since the full Win98 and its drivers were not available. This meant that I had to go outside to copy this paying for that activity in order to post the VAT return today as I required to make certain it is received by the end of the month. .

6. This is an inconvenience and a nuisance. Although just one instance, this has to be multiplied by all the others which attack and seek to disturb and disrupt all of my activity minute-by-minute in order to be able to make the false allegations which were being made anyway regardless of what I was doing.

These actions described above are representative of the kind of abuse to which I am subjected to minute-by-minute, 24/7. These criminal harassment incidents included atrociously false and obscene allegations day and night no matter where I am, mob vigilantism yelling and shouting outside my window in the middle of the night and direct harassment of any activity I undertake which is very important for me to get done to meet my legal obligations and responsibilities. This is the reason that these are postponed and delayed. I also have to solve the problems which are generated by this activity which now includes restoring the desktop computer operation and the Internet connection.

It is obvious to me that every effort is made to capitalise on these problems from these outside sources by creating more of them to compound their effect while ascribing them all falsely to me by means of constant name calling, false allegations and further attempts to distract, disturb, disrupt and destroy all of my activity. This is a vicious circle engaged in by bullies given surveillance equipment and used in such a manner to create what they want to observe rather than noting quietly what is actually happening. That is why I call all of this activity fabrication and not an investigation.

My conclusion is that the Government is running its own "Big Brother" programme exactly along the lines of the one which panders to the dark side of the human character. I have been its victim for four years. The price I am paying is my life. The personal injuries are well known and have been communicated. The price society is paying is the elevation of the criminal standard to that of social acceptance.

I am reporting extensive, extreme and continuous minute-by-minute, 24/7 criminal behaviour to your office in order to bring it to a stop by assuring that the fundamental standards of a decent, democratically determined society are supported and maintained. You cannot do anything about this if you do not know anything about it. So far there has been no fairness, justice or protection of individual human and legal rights in this society as they relate to my situation. Instead, my life is being consciously and deliberately destroyed by those who would gain by doing so. It is Her Majesty's Government who is contributing to and allowing this to occur.

All I ask is that standards be maintained for the benefit of all.

Yours sincerely,

Gary D Chance

Email distribution: [Monday, 29th July 2002]

"US Gov President George W Bush"
"UK Gov The Prime Minister Tony Blair"
<by fax 0207 925 0918>
"UK Gov HM Treasury Chancellor Gordon Brown"
"UK Gov Home Office Secretary David Blunkett"
"UK Gov DOH Secretary Alan Millburn"
"UK Gov DWP Secretary Andrew Smith"
"UK Gov DTI&W Secretary Patricia Hewitt"
"UK Gov MP Karen Buck" <>,
"St Mary's Chief Executive" <>
"St Charles Chief Executive" <>
"Western Eye Hospital General Manager"
"Media BBC Today" <>,
"Media BBC PM" <>,
"Media BBC World At One" <>,
"Media BBC Broadcasting House" <>
"Media Telegraph Crime" <>,
"Media Independent News Editor"
"Media Times Letters" <>,
"Media Times Sunday Letters" <>
"Media Guardian Letters" <>,
"Media Evening Standard Letters" <>

Copyright 1996 - 2004 by Gary D Chance

All rights reserved

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