Surveillance: A Most Unreasonable Search and Seizure
Cataract Surgery 9th June 2003 Resulting From 58 Months of Surveillance Technology
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This page last updated on Sunday, 15th June 2003

Letters to the Prime Minister as the cataract surgery approaches. There is a risk of blindness either way now so that surgery must go forward. Those well known individual's carrying out the survellance technology driven terror, torture, torment, incitement and interrogation against me would like very much to blind me. As sadists they derive great pleasure from inflicting pain, duress and personal injury while hoping for disability. The chronic sleep deprivation, surreptitious medication and minute-by-minute verbal abuse terrorism create a high degree of risk for such surgery. I am appealing to the Prime Minister to stop such terror and torture here in the UK. Tony Blair is currently making much out of stopping it in Iraq having invaded and destroyed that country. He has now appointed a Human Rights Envoy to Iraq, but there are no human rights to be had in the UK in my experience. Time will tell what happens in these next few weeks.

1. Thursday, 15th May 2003: North Kensington Terror, Torture and Vigilantism By Agents of a Foreign Power "During the next three weeks I have a series of NHS hospital appointments including cataract surgery and cancer screening. These have been necessitated by almost five years of surveillance technology driven criminal harassment 24/7."

2. Friday, 16th May 2003: North Kensington Terror, Torture and Vigilantism By Agents of a Foreign Power Part II  "With eye surgery pending, the 24/7 stalking and harassment continues minute-by-minute being carried out with extreme intensity by the US Government Agent "Lt Harry X" and his local, non-resident member of the general public accomplice "L." "

3. Wednesday, 4th June 2003: "Be Flexible" ". . .  is what Lt Harry X the ex-US Marine now US Government agent and self appointed North Kensington war lord said under my kitchen window this morning while I prepared breakfast amid a host of false allegations and incitements to remove me by force and violence from my home. What this really means is "bend" as is commonly used in the phrase "Bent Copper." Its just another way of asking someone to accept misrepresentations, distortions and exaggerations which are used to create fabrications."

4. Monday, 9th June 2003: Lt Harry X Harassment While I'm On The Operating Table  "I had cataract surgery this morning on my right eye. All went very well with no problems thanks to the outstanding commitment and skill from the NHS professionals. These are an extraordinary group of health professionals. It is all the more tragic that such integrity and maintenance of standards to bring the best health care possible to all should be marred and subject to risk from the surveillance technology driven criminal harassment carried out before, after and while I was present in the hospital including while I was on the operating table under local anaesthetic."

5. Tuesday, 10th June 2003: 3.5 Hours Sleep In First 24 Hours After Cataract Surgery "Terror and torture interrogation reign supreme in North Kensington in the absence of any regard for human rights, the democratic rule of law or the sovereignty of the United Kingdom.  After quite a day as described in my fax of yesterday, Monday, 9th June 2003, I finally went to bed at about 2215 last night only to be kept awake for at least an hour, woken several times by 3:00 am and then kept awake for two hours until I was driven out of bed about 5:00 am. I have been up ever since. This was the direct result of surveillance technology driven criminal harassment intended to cause as much damage to my right eye as possible following cataract surgery yesterday morning."

6. Wednesday, 11th June 2003: Torture Driven Interrogation For a "Confession" Confirmed Once Again "Taking advantage of Monday's cataract surgery to continue the intense surveillance technology terror and torture campaign 24/7, Lt Harry X, the ex-US Marine now US Government agent operating as a war lord in North Kensington, confirmed last night that he was determined to get a "confession." He used this word explicitly in conjunction with also noting explicitly "success" as he distorted and misrepresented reading my thoughts which he was trying to incite by waking me in the middle of the night to carry out verbal abuse. He is using the threat of further injury and possible blindness by attacking me in the context of the cataract surgery recovery during my second night after the cataract was removed from my right eye with its lens replaced by a plastic one. So far I have perfect vision in my right eye as a result."

Wanted For Crimes Against Humanity

1. Lt Harry X

Ex-US Marine apparently retired after 20 years

Born: c. 15th June 1959 Age: c. 44 Height: 5 feet, 5 inches
Claims to have been a US Marine commando. Also claims to have served in Vietnam. This is false since he graduated from high school c. 1977 after the US pulled out of Saigon in 1975.

Nothing he says can be believed.

Arrived as a trainee in early 2001 shortly after George W Bush usurped the Presidency of the US. Instituted an experimental surveillance development programme before 911 which had nothing to do with terrorism or anything else for that matter. All allegations have been totally false.

2. Colonel (probably Lt Colonel) Vine

Ex-US Marine apparently retired after 20 years

Appears to be in charge of this locale for the US Government and responsible for Lt Harry X who has taken over completely no matter who might be in charge.

Each is apparently employed by the US Government but are working under the full supervision and with the knowledge of Her Majesty's Government. However, the latter has no control over what they do, and the sovereignty of this area is questionable.

Any further information about these and others involved would be greatly appreciated. There are no mysterious "They" involved. All participants are well known by affiliation and name including these two.

Fax/Email Number 1.

Thursday, 15th May 2003

The Right Honourable Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA BY FAX 0207 925 0918

Dear Mr Prime Minister

Re North Kensington Terror, Torture and Vigilantism By
Agents of a Foreign Power

During the next three weeks I have a series of NHS hospital
appointments including cataract surgery and cancer screening.
These have been necessitated by almost five years of
surveillance technology driven criminal harassment 24/7. At
the same time these very conditions have been used against
me by those carrying out this criminal harassment to blame
me for "going blind" while the US Government agent "Lt
Harry X" and his accomplice "L" the non-resident daughter of
the tenant in the flat below and mother of the children subject
to abuse which I reported five years ago. They have created
these personal injuries and then every effort has been made to
stop me getting proper medical attention and corrective
surgery by this 24/7 criminal harassment precluding such
cataract surgery until it has become a necessity because the
risk from further postponement becomes more serious than
the risk of going ahead at this time.

Simultaneous with the implementation of the radar tracking of
me in my flat from the flat above some 56 months ago my eye
deterioration commenced and was monitored medically for
over two years until the hospital diagnosis of cataracts in both
eyes was made 30 month ago in December 2000. Shortly
thereafter and simultaneous with High Court legal
proceedings where I sought the protection of the Court in
order to get this medical problem solved by alleviating the
harassment, "Lt Harry X" began his onslaught 24/7 criminal
harassment joining "L" who had been at it since May 1998.
The surveillance technology which was in the hands of the
tenants and the general public was enhanced and furthered by
the arrival of "Lt Harry X" near the start of 2001 including the
experimental usage of the most advanced surveillance
technology and surreptitious medication known to mankind.
Subsequently, s whole series of false allegations was added to
those which already existed.

This activity was so intense, abusive and physically
debilitating that it precluded furtherance of the High Court
legal processing. This was the intention of this harassment as
comments by these people at that time in March and April
2001 were related by themselves made it clear. Instead, I had
to address the matter through yourself and various Secretaries
of State due to the merging of this activity with a foreign
power. It was impossible to for me undertake the risk of
cataract surgery due to the 24/7 chronic sleep deprivation,
surreptitious medication intended to incapacitate and the
intense verbal abuse criminal harassment that was continuous.
I had no confidence that the surgical recovery process would
not be subjected to this criminal harassment producing great

It had been my experience that any vulnerability was
exploited as intensely as possible by "Lt Harry X" and "L"
including a bout of dysentery at the end of March and
beginning of April 2001 and the "poisoning" incident at the
end of February 2002. Last summer in August 2002 I had
biopsy surgery on my left temple area. This was an
unexpected trial run for how these people would behave with
regard to surgery. They behaved as expected launching
intense 24/7 verbal abuse criminal harassment facilitated by
the surveillance technology. This proved to me that there
would be high risk to any surgery which was contemplated
and that these two would have to cease and desist all their
activities before such surgery could be contemplated.

Last November 2002 I had another eye examination for vision
correction when it was noted that the deterioration of my eye
lenses was leading to the formation of solids which could lead
to difficulties in the surgery process. These would have to be
broken up by ultra sound during surgery and made the process
more difficult adding risk. The longer I waited the more this
solidification would grow. There was also the prospect that at
some time I would go blind from the cataracts as a natural
consequence of this condition.

During these years including the thwarted High Court
processing, I have made every effort possible to mitigate the
damages from this and other personal injuries among all the
damages I have sustained which are continuing as are the
personal injuries. You are directly aware of this effort to
mitigate these damages and personal injuries in my
correspondence to yourself which commenced on 23rd
September 1999. Instead of obtaining the proper amelioration
of this criminal harassment against myself, it has intensified
and has been maintained as a high level of intensity 24/7.
Efforts at present are ceaseless to do as much damage and
harm to me as is possible. This is obvious from both
statements and deeds from these two and others.

Yesterday when I received the surgery date notification and
the date for the pre-operative assessment, both "Lt Harry X"
and "L" became intensely abusive and sought their criminal
harassment objectives fervently. "Lt Harry X" stated openly
"He can't do that" and further noted the "Chemical" aspect of
the surreptitious medication although it is obvious to me that
some of this is biological weaponry in that electro magnetic
radiation is used to emulate various chemical impacts on the

"Lt Harry X" and "L" know no restraint. They refuse to listen
to what anyone has told them about the excesses of their
activities including his statement recently "I don't care about
policy." A couple nights ago between 3:30 and 4:00 am they
had to be told to "Leave him alone." Each of them claims "It's
my job" when they defend their criminal activity including
terror, torture and interrogation by means of surveillance
technology. It is obvious to me and should be to any
objective observer that their activity has nothing to do with an
investigation and everything to do with fabrication.

In the case of "L" she has been the one who was the mother of
the two abused children and vowed retaliation five years ago
when I reported the abuse to the authorities to protect the
threat which endangered these children and the children with
whom one of them played. She was then given access to
surveillance technology 56 months ago in order to carry out
this retaliation and assist in making false allegations against
me. "Lt Harry X" has included her as his indispensable
accomplice so that she carries out a full roll with him in
utilising the surveillance technology in a most malicious and
destructive manner directed against all of my activity. This is
what is really meant by their "job."

There is only one way to deal with them at this stage given all
that has gone on for years and all the various people involved
from different departments of government who have failed in
their efforts to effect any restraint on their part and that is to
remove them and keep them away from this area including a
restraining order if necessary. Otherwise, the eye surgery for
cataracts will incur a significant risk which could have very
serious consequences.

Despite all my best efforts to mitigate the damages over these
years, they have failed. Despite all the best efforts of those
dealing with "Lt Harry X" and "L" to restrain them over these
years, those too have failed. This failure should have been
noted years ago, and appropriate, effective corrective action
should have been taken. Instead, despite repeated breaches of
law and policy as noted, they have been allowed to persist in
their criminal harassment for the purpose of fabrication rather
than accomplish an investigation.

All of their activity must be halted, and they must be kept
away from this area to ensure that the risks from cataract eye
surgery are minimised and that a surgical recovery can be
undertaken which will assure success of such surgery. To
allow the very persons making the allegations to participate in
a purported investigation which is in reality a fabrication to
create and support allegations with the use of surveillance
technology is hardly a "job." It is criminal in the extreme and

Because agents of a foreign power are allowed to function as
vigilantes utilising their own surveillance technology on
British soil, this comes to your attention out of necessity to
bring to an end immediately. The sovereignty of the UK has
been usurped with the democratic rule of law abrogated along
with law enforcement and the legal justice system. It is your
responsibility to ensure that sovereignty and order are restored
and maintained to preserve and protect the lives and property
of all who reside in the UK To function otherwise is to
condone and support anarchy and vigilantism.

Yours sincerely

/s/ Gary D Chance

". . . O! It is excellent
To have a giant's strength.
but it is tyrannous
To use it like a giant.

. . . but man, proud man,
Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he's most assured,
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As make the angels weep. who, with our spleens,
Would all themselves laugh mortal."

Isabella in Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure" II ii


"US Gov President George W Bush"
"UK Gov The Prime Minister Tony Blair"
<by fax 0207 925 0918>
"UK Gov HM Treasury Chancellor Gordon Brown"
"UK Gov Home Office Secretary David Blunkett"
"UK Gov DOH Secretary Alan Millburn"
"UK Gov DWP Secretary Andrew Smith"
"UK Gov DTI&W Secretary Patricia Hewitt"
"UK Gov MP Karen Buck"
"UK Gov Cllr Merrick Cockell" <>,
"St Mary's Chief Executive" <>
"St Charles Chief Executive"
"Western Eye Hospital General Manager"
"Media BBC Breakfast TV" <>,
"Media BBC LDN <>,
"Media ITV News" <>,
"Media Channel 4 News <>,
"Media Channel Five News <>,
"Media BBC Today" <>,
"Media BBC PM" <>,
"Media BBC World At One" <>,
"Media BBC Broadcasting House" <>
"Media Telegraph Crime" <>,
"Media Independent News Editor"
"Media Times Letters" <>,
"Media Times Sunday Letters" <>
"Media Guardian Letters" <>,
"Media Evening Standard Letters" <>,
"Media Daily Mirror" <>

Fax/Email Number 2.

Friday, 16th May 2003

The Right Honourable Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA BY FAX 0207 925 0918

Dear Mr Prime Minister

Re North Kensington Terror, Torture and Vigilantism By
Agents of a Foreign Power II

With eye surgery pending, the 24/7 stalking and harassment
continues minute-by-minute being carried out with extreme
intensity by the US Government Agent "Lt Harry X" and his
local, non-resident member of the general public accomplice
"L." They are desperately trying to be as destructive as
possible to get me removed by force and violence from my
home based upon their allegations all of which are false.

Yesterday afternoon/evening while working on the
Companies House Form 363s Annual Return to be filed on
behalf of ******** ********** due at Companies House by
Monday, 19th May 2003, I was subjected to extensive verbal
abuse criminal harassment which was intended to be as
distractive, disruptive, disturbing and destructive as possible.
It included attacking normal human biological waste
elimination by use of the surveillance technology, false
allegations and demands to "Get him out" which constituted
criminal vigilante incitement. This was done while I was in
the middle of trying to accomplish my legal obligation and
responsibility to meet the deadline for this corporate filing.

Two years ago in May 2001 I accomplished the Companies
House 363s Annual Return for ********** ************ in
Holland Park one morning to the continuous abuse from "Lt
Harry X." I had been driven out of my home due to the
surveillance at that time and accomplished all private and
confidential work elsewhere. "Lt Harry X" gave himself
away by constant chatter about what I was doing repeating the
information and constantly harassing me as I tried to
accomplish my private and confidential corporate
responsibilities. This was part of the process were I was
learning about the ability to transmit voice for my hearing by
electromagnetic radiation and the ability to see what my eyes
see. These activities could be carried out anywhere as I was
also learning.

At that time I did not know how he was able to see what I was
doing at such a distance, but I could clearly hear him talking
to those he was with and hear their voices in response as he
described my activity. I was sitting at one of the picnic tables
in the southeast corner of the Holland Park playing field near
Kensington High Street. His voice and that of the others with
him were coming from the northeast area of the playing field.
I assumed that this was up along the walk across the top of the
playing field on its east end.

It took me several months of carefully documenting his
activity until I was able to confirm that he was able to see
through my eyes by August/September 2001. This was
confirmed when I opened a piece of post but did not remove
its contents in a public road. I looked down into the envelope
instead. "Lt Harry X" repeated out loud the sender of the
information which was printed in large type. The only way he
could have seen that was with my eyes. Also at the same time
"L" made note of the diplopia [double vision] as I crossed the
Holland Park playing field one afternoon when she exclaimed
"Look at his eyes" as they showed a double vision.

On that day two years ago in May 2001 when I was preparing
the Corporate Annual Report for Companies House, "Lt Harry
X" followed all that I did including writing the cheque for the
fee. He followed me to the post office where I posted it. He
had noted the addressee and made a comment that they would
have to go there and retrieve the document which I was filing.
I heard their voices coming from Holland Park as I posted the
Annual Report at the post office on Kensington High Street at
Earls Court Road opposite the entrance to Holland Park.

This was part of a daily harassment activity wherever I went.
It was obvious that he and others were present when I was
sitting outside in the parks (Holland and Hyde) where he
would constantly comment on what I was doing as I took
notes on this activity. He was trying to terrify and torment me
wherever I went attacking all that I did no matter what it was.
It was fortunate that I got out of my home to do this activity
for I learned all about the kind of surveillance activity he was
conducting and the terror and torture campaign he was trying
to carry out. He was showing off to everyone and bragging
about what he could do. This revealed all to me. Between the
two of them I was able to know what and how the surveillance
was being carried out. "L" really gave everything away
continuously. They were attacking normal human activity
trying to make something out of nothing.

It was at this time on one occasion when he said "He's going
to do a runner." He thought that his terrorism and torture
would compel me to run away. This had occurred on a
Saturday morning. On the following Monday evening, he
showed up here apologising to everyone telling them that he
had really expected me to do a runner. That's why I laughed
on this past Tuesday morning when he said I was doing a
"runner" as I walked down *********** Road after leaving
my home to carry out routine errands. His criminal
harassment is a joke and has been all along;

He attacked me when I filled out the census form at the end of
April 2001 which I also did in Holland Park for the reasons of
privacy and confidentiality. He noted all that I was doing
there and elsewhere again following me to the post office
across the street when I posted the census form. The show off
and braggart gave it all away.

During March 2001 while I was processing legal proceedings
in the High Court, I noted my research activity being
monitored while I was in the Supreme Court library there.
This also occurred when I was working at Westminster and
Kensington & Chelsea libraries. I was using a notebook
computer for legal research and writing in these libraries.
People around me were making comments about what I was
writing. I took notes on this. I could not figure out at that
time if there was a portable TEMPEST monitor in use which
could pick up the notebook screen electro magnetic
emanations or some other method was being used. I have
tentatively concluded that both TEMPEST and the brainwave
monitoring process to see through my eyes were being used
after much documentation.

This was further documented inside my home wherever I was:
in the living room carry out normal activity, in the kitchen
preparing food or in the bathroom especially while taking a
bath. I was bombarded by false allegations in all these
circumstances all of which were absurdly false. I kept both
the notebook computer and written log on all that I did as the
false allegations were made. What I wrote on the notebook
computer was readily picked up and repeated by "Lt Harry X"
so that I knew that he was reading my diary log. This could
easily have been TEMPEST which I later confirmed by
putting a colour transparency over the notebook screen. This
changed the frequency of the screen electro magnetic
emissions preventing interception until the receiving
frequency could be changed.

Those monitoring my writing with the notebook computer
went berserk yelling false allegations about my activity to get
a response of immediate technical help. When the technician
arrived and played around a bit, he noted that the frequency
had changed and explained that all they had to do was change
the receiving frequency by moving such-and-such a knob. I
tried a different colour and got further confirmation of this.
Most important to this was the fact that those doing all the
yelling about the inability to see the notebook screen I was
using were those associated with the flat below. It was the
voice of the "Old Geezer" from below who was yelling the
loudest and making the false allegations to drive them on to
get the technical problem fixed. This gave away not only
what was going on but the fact that this most sophisticated
surveillance technology was in the hands of the general
public/tenants. They were the ones using it.

Critically important at this time was the fact that this wss
going on during March 2001 as I was involved in the legal
proceedings at the High Court. All my note taking about the
criminal harassment being carried out against me was closely
monitored. I was writing some of it by hand for the purposes
of the Court with a hearing pending. This was especially true
while in the bathtub taking a bath. I was subjected to false
allegations while doing so constantly. This was before I
started using a tape recorder, and I would normally wait until
after the bath to recap what had happened as regards to the
criminal harassment. To log this criminal harassment exactly
as it happened, I wrote it by hand while in the bathtub.

Because of the High Court proceedings in March 2001, I used
a pen and paper to write down the criminal harassment which
occurred against me while I was taking a bath. "Lt Harry X"
was most prominent in this because he would repeat what I
was writing if he could and would note the times when he
could not read it citing the writing as "too small." This was a
double criminal harassment activity from both the false
allegations and then the description of the verbatim language I
used to write down what was being done. The intention was
to create as much aggravation as possible hoping to provoke
me. I just kept documenting.

Although I was aware of the use of starlight cameras in the
bathroom as elsewhere at this time, I did not know about the
ability to see through my eyes. I was learning. When I wrote
the notes while sitting in the bathtub, they could be read as I
could clearly hear. I assumed that the starlight cameras or
perhaps some imaging device could read my writing. I now
believe that it was the ability to see through my eyes to note
what I was writing as I did so. I had long confirmed the use
of starlight cameras and/or imaging technology, but it was to
be a few more months before I confirmed the use of the
brainwave monitoring technology which could see what my
eyes saw. There is now no doubt that this was occurring.

Therefore, during all my legal research and processing before,
during and after March 2001 in the High Court, all that I did
was carefully monitored including the evidence which I was
collecting with written notes some of which were presented to
the High Court Justice on 29th March 2001 at the hearing
then. This hearing was held in chambers. I now know that it
was subject to complete surveillance due to the fact that my
vision and hearing could be monitored electronically. If this
could be carried out in the High Court Supreme Court library
and all other locations, it could be carried out in the Judge's

As a former barrister, you will appreciate just how serious this
kind of surveillance has for legal proceedings as occurred in
my instance. I believe that you are well briefed in this
technology and its capabilities and know exactly what is
going on. If not, then you are supping with the Devil (the US)
hoping that the spoon is long enough when it can never be
long enough. You must be aware that those with whom you
are dealing can hear what you hear and see what you see for
surveillance purposes. This has stunning implications for
national security and governmental secrecy and integrity. If
this can be done with me anywhere at anytime, I believe that it
can be done with anyone. This has been called an experiment
by those carrying out this surveillance activity. There is no
doubt that the experiment in this regard has been a success.
All of this goes on to this minute.

During May and June 2001, I was also subjected to something
which I could not quite identify then as to source. I
experienced intense drowsiness for some 15 to 20 minutes
each morning while working in the library. This stopped me
from functioning and almost put me to sleep. After a bit I
recovered, but I was quite concerned about what was
happening. I thought that it was surreptitious medication
administered by molecular vaporisation but also noted that
this would impact others around me if someone were releasing
this in my vicinity. Therefore, I discounted this as a source. I
could only conclude that electro magnetic radiation was being
used to induce this drowsiness and incapacity to interfere with
and try to stop my work effort since I was addressing the legal
processing still.

I was eventually driven out of the library about June 2001
when "Lt Harry X" became very vocal about my activity as I
did my research and legal work in the Kensington & Chelsea
Town Hall library. The combination of the obviously
externally induced drowsiness and incapacity along with a
complete rendition of all that I was doing made known to me
since I was able to hear its description in the same way that I
was able to hear what was being said to describe my form
filling activity in Holland Park drove me out of the library for
good. I transferred all of my activity back to the
easyEverything Internet shop on Kensington High Street
where I had been working before. The summation of all the
activity carried out against me precluded any further attempts
by me to address these matters legally as I was then doing in
the High Court. Legal justice in the courts was completely
denied to me by the use of surveillance equipment as a
weapon of destruction.

I have only highlighted the hearing and vision aspects of this
surveillance technology. It is also capable of accurately
reading thoughts (words and images). You must certainly
realise the incredible threat which this poses as regards to
internal national security in every aspect of government. How
can you or anyone carry out any governmental business that is
not known to whoever posses this surveillance technology?
This must be understood by Parliament and proper legal
controls must be instituted to ensure that it is not abused as is
being done in my situation. Of course, counter measures must
be developed to make certain that the government is not
compromised. We now live in a world where nothing is
secure anymore including our innermost thoughts. Anything
can be subjected to surveillance by using the human body as
the surveillance tool.

This has been used against me for over two years. Very
fortunately these two key people noted above who completely
dominate its usage 24/7 and have been doing so for over two
years are emotionally disturbed to such a degree that they give
away all that they are doing while carrying out extreme
destructive behaviour. Their sadism and need to broadcast
that continuously revealing all that they do by getting the
additional pleasure of making it known to me has enabled me
to know all that has been done and fully document it all.

I believe that it is in everyone's best interest to remove these
two from this area forthwith, stop them from using this
surveillance technology in any capacity and restrain them by
court order if necessary to not only protect me from the lethal
use of surveillance technology so that I can proceed with the
cataract eye surgery without further threat to losing my
eyesight from their malicious use of such technology but to
also protect everyone else. These people have obviously
compromised the most extraordinary technological
development in the history of mankind by abusing its use for
their own corrupt personal interest: greed, glory and power. It
is time to stop this and bring it under proper control for the
benefit of mankind to make certain this abuse never happens
again and most especially never happens at your level so that
secrecy in all government activity is compromised.

Only you can make certain that this gets done to protect
society from a threat that could be totally destructive. The
following comments were made after I finished the above:

Fri, 16 May 2003 - 12:32:15
"How can he stand it?" asks a male. "I don't know" yells "Lt
Harry X" from the direction of the left front window. Both he
and "L" have been apoplectic while I have been writing this
last fax to the Prime Minister. The answer is: because I have
been conveniently informed about all that was going on by
these two so that I knew it all. By thinking themselves very
clever in carrying out a terror, torture and interrogation
programme hoping to "Shut him down" in order to "Break
him down," they have done exactly the opposite. I am also
very healthy and stand firmly on both well-grounded feet.
Most of all I am honest. It is the only way to be. I
recommend it.

Yours sincerely

/s/ Gary D Chance

". . . O! It is excellent
To have a giant's strength.
but it is tyrannous
To use it like a giant.

. . . but man, proud man,
Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he's most assured,
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As make the angels weep. who, with our spleens,
Would all themselves laugh mortal."

Isabella in Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure" II ii


"US Gov President George W Bush"
"UK Gov The Prime Minister Tony Blair"
<by fax 0207 925 0918>
"UK Gov HM Treasury Chancellor Gordon Brown"
"UK Gov Home Office Secretary David Blunkett"
"UK Gov DOH Secretary Alan Millburn"
"UK Gov DWP Secretary Andrew Smith"
"UK Gov DTI&W Secretary Patricia Hewitt"
"UK Gov MP Karen Buck"
"UK Gov Cllr Merrick Cockell" <>,
"St Mary's Chief Executive" <>
"St Charles Chief Executive"
"Western Eye Hospital General Manager"
"Media BBC Breakfast TV" <>,
"Media BBC LDN <>,
"Media ITV News" <>,
"Media Channel 4 News <>,
"Media Channel Five News <>,
"Media BBC Today" <>,
"Media BBC PM" <>,
"Media BBC World At One" <>,
"Media BBC Broadcasting House" <>
"Media Telegraph Crime" <>,
"Media Independent News Editor"
"Media Times Letters" <>,
"Media Times Sunday Letters" <>
"Media Guardian Letters" <>,
"Media Evening Standard Letters" <>,
"Media Daily Mirror" <>

Fax/Email Number 3.

Wednesday, 4th June 2003

The Right Honourable Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA BY FAX 0207 925 0918

Dear Mr Prime Minister

Re "Be Flexible"

"Be flexible" is what Lt Harry X the ex-US Marine now US Government agent and self appointed North Kensington war lord said under my kitchen window this morning while I prepared breakfast amid a host of false allegations and incitements to remove me by force and violence from my home. What this really means is "bend" as is commonly used in the phrase "Bent Copper." Its just another way of asking someone to accept misrepresentations, distortions and exaggerations which are used to create fabrications.

Ethnic Cleansing

For over five years now I have been the victim of the United Kingdoms version of ethnic cleansing with continuous attempts to drive me out of m home turning into years of deliberate efforts to have me removed by force and violence from my home based upon around-the-clock false allegations accompanying these vigilante incitements to "get him out." Lt Harry X puts it on a racist basis declaring "Hes not British." He has been told "thats racist." This does not matter to him as he carries out his smear and fear campaign undaunted by the total lack of evidence for things that have never occurred. He thinks that his emotional incitement is enough to get others to carry out a crime on his behalf.

One of the objectives of this ethnic cleansing is to put the daughter of the tenant in the flat below into my home [this is "L"]. She continuously claims "Its my house." Recently, she was once again told explicitly by a male "Its his house," but this makes no difference to her. She continues 24/7 to use surveillance technology supplied by Lt Harry X to carry out her campaign of unlawful eviction by criminal means while deriving sadistic pleasure from retaliating against me for having legitimately reported the child abuse in May 1998 which had been taking place in the flat below. The lives of the children were threatened.

On Sunday, 21st October 2001, this female, non-resident accomplice of Lt Harry X declared to a male whom I believe was a police officer she had summoned on false pretexts "I want him out. Its my home, right?" To this he replied "I dont care about that, piss off. Im going now." These people associated with the flat below abuse law enforcement and seek to carry out their ethnic cleansing by whatever mens they think they can get away with fabricating some incredulous Porkies.

Sleep Deprivation Before Cataract Surgery

Knowing full well about my fax to you yesterday since they made every effort to try to stop its writing by trying to get me removed from my home immediately, Lt Harry X and his accomplice woke me repeatedly last night. The criminal harassment was so extensive that I recorded almost 90 minutes of taped diary/logs resulting from frequent disturbances to my sleep all night long and keeping me awake with false allegations and verbal abuse. Its easy to tell that this is intentional because I am verbally assaulted the instant I wake up by their verbal abuse which is then logged on the tape recorder next to me. The point is to terrorise, torture, torment, incite and interrogate me. This went on all night long as usual reflecting the desperate effort to have me removed by force and violence from my home in order to cover up their criminal activity by perverting the course of justice.

They also seek to do as much damage as possible and point a finger at me as the cause of what they are actually doing to me. It is still most amazing that this is allowed to continue unabated. They will never stop unless they are removed as provided by law and restrained from coming into this area as also provided by law in order to protect my life which they are intent upon destroying by their behaviour utilising surveillance technology as an instrument of terror, torture, torment, incitement and interrogation. They will not relent from carrying out this activity despite all apparent efforts to restrain them. They know no self control. Unless they carried on as they do, they would be unable to fabricate their allegations which they realise adding to their desperation.

When I describe accurately what is happening and why as I am doing now, they attack further demanding "get him out" as was just heard by a male voice coming in my kitchen window. They heap false allegations on top of this which are intended to incite others to commit this crime on their behalf. They go on in a derogatory, false negative image creation activity trying to discredit the validity of what I accurately describe. They are engaged in extensive criminal activity using surveillance technology to do so and are simultaneously denying this while trying to discredit what I do to document and report it. Every single aspect of my life is so attacked 24/7 and has been for years.

When all of these efforts do not produce the desired effect, i.e., someone who will commit a crime on their behalf to remove me by force and violence from my home, Lt Harry X implores "be flexible" in accepting his fabrications. The problem with this is that his behaviour is not stopped. When allowed to continue as it has for years, the result is continuous criminal harassment which appears like a "good guy/bad guy" scenario with whoever is playing the "good guy" role no better than if s/he was an accomplice to these crimes of terror, torture, torment, incitement and interrogation 24/7. Because the restraint is not effective, it can only be viewed as collusion for the crimes continue.

There is only one way that this scenario can be conclusively described as definitely not be part of the overall fabrication effort and that is to stop it totally by removing and keeping away from this area those who would carrying out these criminal acts. This has to be done in this manner because nothing else has been done effectively to stop these crimes for years.

"Now We Have Something to Talk About"

I took this statement by Lt Harry X to refer to one of his false allegations. All this morning he was apparently concerned with "salary" which he noted apparently in conjunction with this ongoing activity. It seems that Lt Harry X has been scheduled to stop this activity some five separate times during the past 27+ months and return to wherever he came from only to have each one of these terminations extended for some reason which mysteriously appeared at the last minute and had not available prior to the scheduled ending of his activity. I believe that he has managed each time by intense bullying, belligerent behaviour and threats (implied and explicit such as most recently he stated "Someone will shoot him") coupled with more fabrications to obtain these various extensions for his surveillance activity. He has pleaded in the past that if it ends, he will lose his job. This is his concern not the facts of the matter or the validity of the evidence.

Nothing has changed in all this time (for 27+ months of Lt Harry Xs presence and for 57 months total surveillance technology driven criminal harassment) only the representations, distortions and exaggerations have been added with a fervour that makes me wonder how anyone can accept any information so communicated by endless repetition of generalised, non-substantive, emotional statements. There is no information being communicated only emotion and oftentimes in the most hysterically bullying manner possible. He is communicating fear, anger, hatred, bigotry and ignorance. He hopes others will share these emotions along with his ignorance.

Hate Crime

He has stated quite clearly "I hate him." This also makes it a hate crime as well as one of ethnic cleansing based upon racism. His accomplice has gone so far as to say "I want him dead." This mutual hatred and desire to destroy are obsessions shared by these two who wish to communicate this to others by means of their false allegations. This is reflected in their minute-by-minute verbal abuse criminal harassment which goes on 24/7.

They are never absent from my vicinity and refuse to depart for any amount of time. I note their presence continuously 24/7 without any apparent break. I suspect that they use tape recordings and electromagnetic wave propagation for sound transmission during times when they are asleep. They may also use this technique at other times to fabricate allegations so what I hear is a tape recorded broadcast when the are actually saying nothing themselves.

This is how fabrications are carried out and the environment poisoned with hate crimes from those who engage in criminal activity and anti-social and nuisance behaviour. All of this is so extensively documented as to be irrefutable and beyond any reasonable doubt. There is only one way now to right the balance and restore order to this environment which is to use the law as provided to protect lives by stopping this criminal harassment and ensure that those who carry this out are legally restrained from doing so in the future. Nothing else will work since it has not done so in years.

Yours sincerely

/s/ Gary D Chance

". . . O! It is excellent
To have a giant's strength.
but it is tyrannous
To use it like a giant.
. . . but man, proud man,
Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he's most assured,
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As make the angels weep. who, with our spleens,
Would all themselves laugh mortal."

Isabella in Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure" II ii


"US Gov President George W Bush"
"UK Gov The Prime Minister Tony Blair"
by fax 0207 925 0918
"UK Gov HM Treasury Chancellor Gordon Brown"
"UK Gov Home Office Secretary David Blunkett"
"UK Gov DOH Secretary Alan Millburn"
"UK Gov DWP Secretary Andrew Smith"
"UK Gov DTI&W Secretary Patricia Hewitt"
"UK Gov MP Karen Buck"
"UK Gov Cllr Merrick Cockell"
"St Mary's Chief Executive"
"St Charles Chief Executive"
"Western Eye Hospital General Manager"
"Media BBC Breakfast TV" <
"Media BBC LDN <
"Media ITV News" <
"Media Channel 4 News <
"Media Channel Five News <
"Media Daily Politics <
"Media BBC Today" <
"Media BBC PM" <
"Media BBC World At One" <
"Media BBC Broadcasting House" <
"Media Telegraph Crime" <
"Media Independent News Editor"
"Media Times Letters" <
"Media Times Sunday Letters"
"Media Guardian Letters"
"Media Evening Standard Letters"
"Media Daily Mirror"

Fax/Email Number 4.

Monday, 9th June 2003

The Right Honourable Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA BY FAX 0207 925 0918

Dear Mr Prime Minister

Re LT Harry X Harassment While I'm On The Operating Table

I had cataract surgery this morning on my right eye. All went very well with no problems thanks to the outstanding commitment and skill from the NHS professionals. These are an extraordinary group of health professionals. It is all the more tragic that such integrity and maintenance of standards to bring the best health care possible to all should be marred and subject to risk from the surveillance technology driven criminal harassment carried out before, after and while I was present in the hospital including while I was on the operating table under local anaesthetic.

How is it possible that Her Majesty's Government could allow such a thing to take place? How is it possible for Her Majesty's Government who on the one hand strives by every means possible to bring to bear all resources to solve NHS health care problems will allow agents of a foreign power to scuttle these efforts and their enormous costs involved?

Cataract eye surgery, as I learned this morning, is done with a local anaesthetic. It is absolutely essential that the patient remain still without any movement for around 30 minutes to prevent what was described to me as a "catastrophe" from any quick movement. While the Western Eye Hospital's **** ************* and her outstanding team were operating on my right eye, Lt Harry X, the ex-US Marine and current US Government agent, commented upon the brightness of the surgical light which was being shined into the eye being operated upon. This was the blindingly brilliant operating light which remains visible throughout the surgery because the eye is always open by necessity with retractors. This is the surgeons incredibly bright overhead operating light which was directly over my eye as **** ************* used ultra-sound to break up the cataract for removal through the small slit she made in the eye. Then the replacement plastic lens was inserted.

In the middle of such procedures any sudden, quick movement could cause a serious problem. I was warned about the brilliance of the this light. I then concurred that it was indeed completely filling my eye with the most brilliant light. A little while later Lt Harry X noted the fact by saying something about "Look at that light." This confirmed that he was monitoring the entire operating room procedure by means of the surveillance technology which copied my brain waves in order to read the senses. Eyesight is one of these. He was watching the operation through my eyes as well as hearing through my ears, etc. I could hear him which was the usual process of electromagnetic transmission of sound. Not only was the confidentiality of the medical procedures breached as well as the doctor patient relationship, but I was subjected once again to terror, torture and torment that could have caused an extraordinary problem with this surgical procedure.

This was not all that occurred while I was at the hospital. **** ************* took some measurements before surgery again herself using technology at their disposal. This is remarkable measurement and picture technology which amazing me a layman. Again, kudos to **** ************* who made every effort to be certain that she had exactly the information for the surgery she was going to perform in order to avoid and reduce risk. While she was performing this activity, a male said "Potty" for me to hear electronically. This was a pure terror and torture attempt as far as I was concerned. Of course, I just ignore these criminal harassment activities recognising what the are, but I make a mental note of them for documentation and communication purposes as I am doing now.

All of this effort to ensure that the surgery is accomplished without any problems could have been scuttled by this brutal and cruel attack by Lt Harry X while I was on the operating table. Fortunately, I took it once again as always as just more of his demonstrated brutality and sadism to make this comment about my activity as it was going on as he and "L" his accomplice as described elsewhere, make these kinds of comments continuously to let me know that they are monitoring all of my activity as I carry it out. The frequent use of the word "Potty" also occurs in this context as well as it did while I was in the hospital. These are repeated efforts to terrorise and torture me.

During the post operative recovery process while I was sitting in the waiting room, I once again heard another male discussing my activity. "Hes a vegetarian" he said along with the oft repeated, familiar and infantile word "Potty" which is meaningless as a conveyor of information and only communicates emotive content. This was outpatient surgery which took about five hours at the hospital from about 0730 to about 1245 when I left. I was verbally abused for the entire hour long walk home by Lt Harry X who started as I exited the hospital until I reached my home. This was virtually non-stop brutal, verbal abuse harassment.

Just after I entered my home to settle down and rest, Lt Harry X and "L" each yelled "Get him out" one shortly after the other. This was once again taking up the brutal and in this case most cruel and sadistic "ethnic cleansing" clarion call when I had just had eye surgery where I needed a couple weeks of peace and quiet in my own home to rest and recover allowing the eye to properly heal without any complications. First, he had tried to disrupt the actual surgery procedures and then he was attacking me as soon as I got home.

This was consistent with the runup to the surgery since my last fax to you on Wednesday last, 4th June 2003, anticipating the very sequence of events which actually occurred leading up to the surgery this morning. Lt Harry X and "L" made every effort to destroy the prospect of my obtaining cataract eye surgery as they have been doing from its diagnosis two and one-half years ago. This is a prime example of trying to blame me for what they had been doing. They did not want to lose their oft repeated "Hes going blind" as a superfluous reasons to remove me from my home by force and violence. I was always unable to undergo the surgery due to vigilante activities. Their criminal harassment was carried on 24/7 with the most intensity possible. Friday night/Saturday morning I only got about three hours sleep at first until about 3:00 am when I was kept awake for two hours by their continuous verbal abuse. I then managed to get some sleep after 5:00 am, but the middle of the night disruption were continuous across each night. This is the chronic sleep deprivation which they create in order to create debility that they then falsely accuse me of being its source.

On Sunday morning last at 4:00 am "L" went into such an hysterical tirade of brutal abuse at top vocal volume that I thought this was the old times all over again when this used to happen night after night for many months nay years on end. She was making her false allegation that is made 24/7 in order to "Get him out." There were so many such incidents like this by both LT Harry X and "L" throughout this past week and weekend that I cannot relate except a couple key representative examples. Suffice it to say that I have complete documentation on all that has happened. Each day is a like a chapter in a book. All that has happened has taken place in the presence of representatives of Her Majestys Government. There is no excuse for any of this to occur for torture is banned by all civilised nations and civilised people.

This morning after my hour long walk to the hospital as I approached it shortly before 7:30 am which was my appointment time, Lt Harry X yelled "F*** It" meaning to me that he was disgusted with himself for having failed to destroy my obtaining the cataract surgery for the 27+ months he has been here including all efforts up to that very minute. He sounded angry and intense upon carrying out his vigilante activity regardless, and that is exactly what happened at the hospital and afterwards as I have described above.

I have nothing but respect and praise for these health professionals as I have described above. Each and every one of them worked diligently, in good humour and competently to bring about excellence in patient care. How can it be possible that Her Majestys Government allows these health professionals to be subjected to further problems and expense over which they have no control and about which they know nothing?

I have much more to say about these events and last weeks activity by these criminal vigilantes who are using this surveillance technology to carry out terror, torture, torment, incitement and interrogation 24/7 wherever I am, but I am currently typing with one eye (the one that is still bad) and in need of rest while remaining quiet so that the recovery and healing process can start and proceed with no complications. This is why I am sending this fax. It is obvious that the message is not getting through. The content and substance are not sinking in. My eyesight remains at stake. I find it critically important for me to write and send this fax as I have done the others to bring this activity against me to an end for it has no legal reason to support it at all in any manner, but the manner it is being carried out is strictly unlawful, criminal and repugnant to every civilised person on this planet.

Is this what the United Kingdom really stands for? Please forgive any typos in this correspondence which might have gotten by me. I look forward to near perfect eyesight through both eyes shortly if the marvelous work by these health care professionals is not sabotaged by these criminal acts taken against me. I hope that you can address the problem of responsibility and accountability with regard to Lt Harry X and "L" to bring their vigilante use of surveillance technology as a crippling and lethal weapon to an immediate halt.

Yours sincerely

Gary D Chance

". . . O! It is excellent
To have a giant's strength.
but it is tyrannous
To use it like a giant.
. . . but man, proud man,

Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he's most assured,
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As make the angels weep. who, with our spleens,
Would all themselves laugh mortal."
Isabella in Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure" II ii

"US Gov President George W Bush"
"UK Gov The Prime Minister Tony Blair"
<by fax 0207 925 0918>
"UK Gov HM Treasury Chancellor Gordon Brown"
"UK Gov Home Office Secretary David Blunkett"
"UK Gov DOH Secretary Alan Millburn"
"UK Gov DWP Secretary Andrew Smith"
"UK Gov DTI&W Secretary Patricia Hewitt"
"UK Gov MP Karen Buck" <>,
"UK Gov Cllr Merrick Cockell" <>,
"St Mary's Chief Executive" <>
"St Charles Chief Executive" <>
"Western Eye Hospital General Manager"
"Media BBC Breakfast TV" <>,
"Media BBC LDN <>,
"Media ITV News" <>,
"Media Channel 4 News <>,
"Media Channel Five News <
"Media Dail Politics <>
"Media BBC Today" <>,
"Media BBC PM" <>,
"Media BBC World At One" <>,
"Media BBC Broadcasting House" <>
"Media Telegraph Crime" <>,
"Media Independent News Editor"
"Media Times Letters" <>,
"Media Times Sunday Letters" <>
"Media Guardian Letters" <>,
"Media Evening Standard Letters" <>,
"Media Daily Mirror"

Fax/Email Number 5.

Tuesday, 10th June 2003

The Right Honourable Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA BY FAX 0207 925 0918

Dear Mr Prime Minister

Re 3.5 Hours Sleep In First 24 Hours After Cataract Surgery

Terror and torture interrogation reign supreme in North Kensington in the absence of any regard for human rights, the democratic rule of law or the sovereignty of the United Kingdom.

After quite a day as described in my fax of yesterday, Monday, 9th June 2003, I finally went to bed at about 2215 last night only to be kept awake for at least an hour, woken several times by 3:00 am and then kept awake for two hours until I was driven out of bed about 5:00 am. I have been up ever since. This was the direct result of surveillance technology driven criminal harassment intended to cause as much damage to my right eye as possible following cataract surgery yesterday morning.

I experienced continuous door slamming from nearby (above and/or below) and foot stomping on the floor above the bedroom. This did not start until I went to bed and continued for some time amid other disturbances keeping me awake or just waking me as I was beginning to drift off to sleep. Then there were several wake ups afterwards with at most about an hours sleep each time. These were characterised by verbal noises from Lt Harry X, the ex-US Marine and now US Government agent, and "L, " his local non-resident accomplice member of the general public, manning the surveillance technology for the purposes of carrying out this terror, torture, incitement and interrogation activity. All that was said yesterday and last evening by Lt Harry X indicated that he "could not possibly" do otherwise asserting his vigilante activity by way of reason and rationale.

From about 3:00 am until a little after 5:00 am these two kept me awake with their verbal abuse terrorism and torture as I was trying to get back to sleep finally driving me out of bed. When I had been woken about 2:00 am, I was so sound asleep that I thought I had slept for many hours only to note it was around an hour since I had been last woken. This was incredible sleep disturbance intended to impact the critically important first stages of healing when the eye tissue needs to knit well for all else to be successful. By depriving me of sleep like this the physiological functioning of the body is greatly impaired especially since this is part of chronic sleep deprivation.

These people knew exactly what I was doing and attacked to deprive me of the peace and quiet I needed to rest and sleep to ensure that the healing process was given an excellent foundation to begin. The critically important initial four hours of deep sleep was disturbed as noted by my 2:00 am wake up when I was sound asleep. This could only have been done by an outside source as they all were. Without the deep sleep required for the essential functioning of the body, the normal repair and recovery process is disrupted at the critical point during the initial 24 hours following the injury created by the surgery. This reflected malicious destruction of the most extreme kind.

I make this point repeatedly based upon the facts that repeat themselves 24/7, but nothing stops this inhuman behaviour. Instead, false allegations are put forward to justify this as punishment so that the vigilante effort replacing the justice system is clearly articulated. These people carrying out this destructive behaviour would gain sadist pleasure from a haemorrhage and destroyed eye. Unless I am allowed to sleep properly, this might very well occur.

I have postponed the cataract surgery for since October 2001 for over 18 months because of this behaviour using surveillance technology which has been going on for 57 months including the last 27+ months with the presence of Lt Harry X and his surveillance technology experimentation with interrogation that has nothing to do with investigation and everything to do with fabrication.

This is part of an overall pattern of such fabrications whereby the problem is created by these vigilantes who then try to blame me for what they have done using the surveillance technology to fabricate. The eyesight deterioration/cataract development has been tracked extensively by periodic medical examinations from September 1998 until its diagnosis in December 2000. I noted in writing to the then Metropolitan Police Commissioner in the Autumn of 1998 just after the radar imaging device(s) were employed that this could result in my going blind. The deterioration of my eyesight and the strong right eye sustaining more damage because it was facing upward most of the time when I slept was well noted and documented by these examinations.

I could not stop this abuse of surveillance technology up to the diagnosis of the cataracts in each eye. It continued after the diagnosis along with the introduction of Lt Harry X and his surveillance technology in early 2001 just after the diagnosis. The fact of this personal injury and making it worse was disregarded by these vigilantes using the surveillance technology. My experience of recent days surrounding the surgery and the last 24 hours proves my point about this pattern of deliberate abuse intended to cause as much damage and destruction as possible. It is terror and torture intended to "Break him down" which has been repeatedly articulated with a total disregard for legal and human rights and proper legal procedures with regard to law enforcement. The actual break down is the failure to protect the innocent and ensure that the guilty can be prosecuted properly.

I have known the character of these people from the very beginning. They are capable of doing anything and display traits of the most hardened criminal. All the facts are well documented throughout all these years day-by-day, 24/7. Crucial to the activity of these vigilantes is that they create damage with the use of the surveillance technology. Then I am blamed for what is done to me. In this situation the risk for undertaking the surgery up to this point was far greater than continuing to try to bring the extreme criminal harassment to an end. The risk had shifted to the point where it was more important to undergo the surgery than prolong the increasing blindness.

I could not read and had to use a small magnifying glass to see small print at all which I took out in stores if I wanted to read labels. Reading books stopped by the end of last year. It was difficult even then for me to read them, and I made slow progress doing so. The impact of my failing eyesight along with presence of Lt Harry X provided him and "L" with an excuse to attack me for other reasons which they invented but were actually related to poor eyesight which they kept me from addressing to correct with surgery. This is well documented in all that I have done. At the end of 2001 when I caught up on the financial reporting which was my legal obligation as a Director, I was constantly attacked while doing so. It was difficult for me to read even then, and this was well noted but relentlessly attacked by these vigilantes. All of that is completely documented.

Throughout 2002 as I addressed computer system problems and even when I made typos due to poor eyesight, this was attributed to other sources. There was a concerted effort to keep me from obtaining the necessary surgery which would have made all the difference in the world to me and my ability to function well under normal circumstances, but I was reluctant to undertake the risk knowing the full extent of what was being carried out against me by way of surveillance technology driven terror and torture interrogation and just outright, sadistic brutality for its own sake to have "fun." I wrote using 18 point characters to be able to see what I was doing. As of today and this writing, I am using the normal 12 point characters which I can easily see with acute clarity.

What is extremely important to note is that I stuck to taking care of the real medical problems which could be objectively determined and treated. These formed the basis of an essential part of the problem which was then deliberately misrepresented, distorted, exaggerated in order to fabricate a completely bogus medical problem that these vigilantes wanted to create. In so doing they did not want me to get the necessary cataract surgery for this would expose them and their equivocation upon the observations which they pretended were due to another false medical source which they wanted to maintain. First, cataract progressive blindness was created by the use of surveillance technology. Second, the progressive blindness was exploited to pervert the course of justice by these vigilantes creating a false medical condition that does not exist.

In this context it is easy to see and understand why the intensity of the criminal harassment was increased during the period leading up to the cataract surgery to make every effort to destroy my life so that I could not obtain the necessary cure for the cataracts which would expose the vigilantes actions and motives for what they were. It is therefore all the more understandable that these people given this intense motivation to protect themselves against exposure for their criminal behaviour would go to such extremes as they have recently and in the last 24 hours. They stop at nothing to pervert the course of justice in this manner by using surveillance technology to do so. This has been the case for years in an ever increasing number of fabricated allegations against me characterised by the question "Why didnt you tell us this before?" It was not possible since the most recent false allegations was just made up. .

This morning I removed the eye protector which had been over my right eye since the surgery yesterday morning to behold a world through perfect vision. Light was brilliantly white. Colours where brilliantly rich. I could see perfectly at all distances except up close. Since there is no natural lens, there is no correction for the up close vision. I have to wear reading glasses, but that is normal. The new plastic lens just cannot create a focal point that is precise enough for up close reading, but so what? It is a miracle to have my eyesight restored. I now see that I was looking at a yellowing world which actually appeared whiter in sunlight as I still see with my left eye. The edges of everything were blurring together. Now, I can see the computer screen and all else perfectly. I am absolutely stunned. All credit goes to the NHS as I have already described.

However, this is what these vigilantes want to destroy. They have been attacking continuously to create a problem hoping to ruin these results which I could begin to see yesterday. They want to be able to get on with their fabrications against me including terror, torture and interrogation verbal abuse. A big hole has been punched into the basis for creating and maintaining these fabrications. I am doing everything I can to maintain this miracle of restored eyesight and need surgery on the left eye too in a few weeks time. While I am doing all that I can to mitigate damages, no one is helping me by stopping the real source of the problem which as been the real source all along. Thus, the risk of sustained injury and surgical complications remain quite high. The first three or four days are the critical ones when the tissue knits. This has be to successful without any injury. I am doing all I can to prevent any such injury as I have done for years but am still subjected to the intensity from the source of the problem trying to continue these injuries.

Under no circumstances will I accept the false allegations which would lead to wasting the NHS resources where there is nothing to treat that are advocated by these vigilantes for their own corrupt self interest. Instead, I address real problems, with real symptoms which can be treated medically and corrected as has just occurred. These are physiological personal injuries which have resulted from the utilisation of surveillance technology in such a manner as to intentionally create these injuries. I know what the truth of this situation is, and I will continue to address the real problems at their source despite all the efforts from Lt Harry X and "L" to do otherwise. I have shown now that a key source of what they use to fabricate is actually progressive blindness which was created by the surveillance equipment with the corrective cure denied until now by the continuing abuse of surveillance technology.

Am I going to get some assistance to stop what is only proper to stop: the abuse of power using surveillance technology as a lethal weapon by those who are trying to pervert the course of justice among numerous other offences?

Yours sincerely

/s/ Gary D Chance

". . . O! It is excellent
To have a giant's strength.
but it is tyrannous
To use it like a giant.
. . . but man, proud man,
Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he's most assured,
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As make the angels weep. who, with our spleens,
Would all themselves laugh mortal."

Isabella in Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure" II ii


"US Gov President George W Bush"
"UK Gov The Prime Minister Tony Blair"
by fax 0207 925 0918
"UK Gov HM Treasury Chancellor Gordon Brown"
"UK Gov Home Office Secretary David Blunkett"
"UK Gov DOH Secretary Alan Millburn"
"UK Gov DWP Secretary Andrew Smith"
"UK Gov DTI&W Secretary Patricia Hewitt"
"UK Gov MP Karen Buck"
"UK Gov Cllr Merrick Cockell"
"St Mary's Chief Executive"
"St Charles Chief Executive"
"Western Eye Hospital General Manager"
"Media BBC Breakfast TV" <
"Media BBC LDN <
"Media ITV News" <
"Media Channel 4 News <
"Media Channel Five News <
"Media Daily Politics <
"Media BBC Today" <
"Media BBC PM" <
"Media BBC World At One" <
"Media BBC Broadcasting House" <
"Media Telegraph Crime" <
"Media Independent News Editor"
"Media Times Letters" <
"Media Times Sunday Letters"
"Media Guardian Letters"
"Media Evening Standard Letters"
"Media Daily Mirror"

Fax/Email Number 6.

Wednesday, 11th June 2003

The Right Honourable Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA BY FAX 0207 925 0918

Dear Mr Prime Minister

Re Torture Driven Interrogation For a "Confession" Confirmed Once Again

Taking advantage of Mondays cataract surgery to continue the intense surveillance technology terror and torture campaign 24/7, Lt Harry X, the ex-US Marine now US Government agent operating as a war lord in North Kensington, confirmed last night that he was determined to get a "confession." He used this word explicitly in conjunction with also noting explicitly "success" as he distorted and misrepresented reading my thoughts which he was trying to incite by waking me in the middle of the night to carry out verbal abuse. He is using the threat of further injury and possible blindness by attacking me in the context of the cataract surgery recovery during my second night after the cataract was removed from right eye with its lens replaced by a plastic one. So far I have perfect vision in my right eye as a result.

There are no sutures from this cataract surgery. The small surgical wound in the eye must be treated with care and respect. By constantly attacking me as Lt Harry X and "L" do 24/7 in a most malicious and vicious way with false allegations and continuous threats of violence, they hope to cause damage to the eye while generating constant fear of such damage. They engage in this activity day and night, but it is at night when there might be a problem although this is reduced because I wear a plastic eye shield taped across my eye to avoid such an accident. Every effort to attack me is intended to cause resentment by such incitement and to get a response of any kind no matter what. Waking me and keeping me awake is key to this terror and torture punishment as part of a 24/7 interrogation programme seeking information divulged by states of anger and resentment. This latter word has been used explicitly by Colonel Vine, the other ex-US Marine now US Government agent, as what they are trying to do.

It is all part of an effort to cause as much stress, distress and duress as possible from surveillance technology torture used to interrogate 24/7. It has been going on for over two years now by these two US Government agents with "L" imitating them and carrying on with her own intense criminal harassment which she started five years ago after I reported the child abuse threat to the lives of her two children while they were in the flat below. She is especially intent upon causing damage to me in any way she can.

Last night, the second night after surgery, was not much different from the first night after the surgery described in my fax yesterday. I went to bed approaching 2230, but got to sleep reasonably quickly. I was woken at least once prior to 3:00 am at which time I was woken and kept awake. This was about four and one-half hours sleep and a bit more than the previous night during this time but still interrupted in the deep sleep phase prior to the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep. I was then kept awake until sometime after 4:00 am perhaps about 4:30 am after which I managed to get fragmented sleep until about 6:30 am when I got up. What happened between about 3:00 am and about 4:30 or so am was critically important.

I was subjected to the "normal" verbal abuse during this time, but I was thinking about the cataract surgery and an early childhood experience when I cut my forehead just above my eye and would not let the doctor suture it until there was a mirror provided so I could watch what he was doing. This reminded me of being awake during the cataract surgery with a local anaesthetic, but I could not see what was going on which was just as well. This childhood injury occurred when I was playing with my father who had returned from war when I was about three. I lowered by head, went running at my father on the sofa and hit the coffee table instead during this play.

I was thinking about this only last night. I do not talk to myself. My father was an incredible person who was like a magnetic for small children and animals who were just naturally attracted to him because of his personality. He used to let me steer the car down the alley into the garage entrance behind our house then. This was one of my favourite things that I was always asking to do. I had thought about these things exactly as I wrote them here when Lt Harry X followed with a triumphant declaration of "success." This was a deliberate distortion and misrepresentation of what he was doing when reading my thoughts using the surveillance technology.

What he was actually reading was evidence against his own atrocious allegations one of which has been made that "he killed his father" which is so preposterously untrue that it is farcical and ludicrous. There has never been anyone as phenomenally extraordinary as my father. No one would ever want to kill him least of all me. Lt Harry X made an explicit reference to the fact that I was thinking about my "father" in conjunction with the word "success" ["We had a success"] that there was no doubt what he was talking about. It was also apparent that he was trying to portray any such reference that I made in my thoughts as revealing what he wanted and not what it actually was. This is done continuously and constitutes a pattern of such fabrications in which he and "L" engage.

In his excessive zeal at being able to distort and misrepresent this one, he went on to say that he was going to get a "confession." This confirmed what his activity was all about. He has done this before so it was nothing new. By saying this against the backdrop of the cataract surgery he was revealing also that he was making every effort to terrorise and torture me by misrepresenting my thoughts to suit his own corrupt self interest against a background of further threatened personal injury which might result from this criminal harassment. I noted all that was said by him on the tape recorder last night along with what I had actually been thinking about when I heard these statements of his which were obviously distortions and misrepresentations to further his activity indicating falsely a "success." This is done often to perpetuate his activity so that he can continue to fabricate and collect his pay cheque while wasting everyone elses time and the taxpayers money.

These actions have a multiple impact from making false allegations, verbal abuse, contributing to chronic sleep deprivation and debility which he then seeks to blame me when he and "L" are the actual primary source along with others helping out as well. So far I am doing all right despite their best efforts continuously made to cause as much of a problem as is possible, but anything could happen at anytime. There is a never ending stream of criminal harassment incitements to "get him out" which go on against the background of these false allegations 24/7. Ive never known anyone who was as great as I thought my father was. It is an extraordinary false allegations against me to state that I killed him. Something is clearly amiss with this vigilante pair and all that they invent to obtain their criminal objective to satisfy their greed, glory and power ambitions.

Most critical, however, is the fact that there were others present last night observing all of this just like the night before when there were vehicle door slam noises and departures. At one point it sounded like Lt Harry X said "you should stay." There are no lack of witnesses to what these two vigilantes are doing.

The question remains as to why they are allowed to carry on in this extreme criminal harassment manner using the surveillance technology as a destructive weapon of terror, torture, incitement and interrogation with potential lethal consequences?

Yours sincerely

/s/ Gary D Chance

". . . O! It is excellent
To have a giant's strength.
but it is tyrannous
To use it like a giant.
. . . but man, proud man,
Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he's most assured,
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As make the angels weep. who, with our spleens,
Would all themselves laugh mortal."

Isabella in Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure" II ii


"US Gov President George W Bush"
"UK Gov The Prime Minister Tony Blair"
by fax 0207 925 0918
"UK Gov HM Treasury Chancellor Gordon Brown"
"UK Gov Home Office Secretary David Blunkett"
"UK Gov DOH Secretary Alan Millburn"
"UK Gov DWP Secretary Andrew Smith"
"UK Gov DTI&W Secretary Patricia Hewitt"
"UK Gov MP Karen Buck"
"UK Gov Cllr Merrick Cockell"
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Copyright 1996 - 2004 by Gary D Chance

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