The title of the site reflects that surveillance is a most unreasonable search and seizure by totally invading the privacy
of an individual as it "steals" everything it observes including all personal and private activities, documentation
and anything which might be available in the private life of that individual. Furthermore, the surveillance activity can
be used to shutdown and stop legitimate free exercise of rights and responsibilities by an individual by interferring with
the very life and activity processes it purports to observe. The worst aspect of surveillance activity is its
perversion by an abuse of its power wherein it is used to create the very outcome which it purports to be objectively observing.
This is the real danger which has been the essence of this particular surveillance activity throughout its usage. Abuse
of the surveillance process itself bcomes the critical issue because surveillance operates outside the legitimate democratic
institutions putting absolute power into the hands of just a few individuals. That power is easily abused for its own sake.
There is no apparent redress for an individual in a democratic society subjected to such surveillance. This means that the
basic ideals of democracy are open to subversion from within resulting in the loss of freedom, justice, legitimate law enforcement
and the proper function of government.
It is the responsibility of each and every individual in a free, democratic society to bring to the public's attention such
abuses and dangers which accrue from the utilisation of new technologies in the course of such surveillance activities which
threaten the very foundations of a civilised, democratic society for it is the public which acts through its representative
legislators to determine the laws which form the foundation of such a society. This is what this website will explore at
length to ensure that the public debate is informed and active.
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for the beneficial use of Internet users.