Friday, 9th August 2002
The Right Honourable Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
Dear Mr Prime Minister
Re "I'm giving him morphine. I thought he was psychotic."
Surreptitious Morphine Medication Without My Knowledge Or Consent
These words were uttered last evening outside my kitchen window. They are alarming in two senses: (1) apparently, there
is some concern or denial that there is really psychosis present here which I have always denied for very good, substantive
reasons; and (2) it is appalling beyond belief that I, as a totally innocent person who has been drug free all my life, am
being surreptitiously administered an opiate narcotic which is a highly addictive substance without my knowledge and consent.
I believe that this statement was made to a representative of Her Majesty's Government.
Further, after I went to bed last night. the same subject was once again noted as the same young male who had uttered
the above statement earlier commented further upon this subject noting "morphine" and "psychotic" to the
US Government Agent, an ex-US Marine "Lt Harry X," who replied "stick with it." I took this to mean to
stick with the surreptitious administration of morphine. Apparently, he is also giving orders as to surreptitious medication
based upon his own fabricated allegation of psychosis which he uses to serve his own corrupt self interest.
Chronic Sleep Deprivation Caused By Those In The Flat Above
Next I caught someone from the flat above trying to wake me last night thinking that I had fallen asleep. When I fist
went to bed, there were repeated foot stompings at intervals on the floor of the flat above. I noted each of these in the
tape recorded diary/log which I keep along with all the other activity including the further statement about "morphine"
noted in the paragraph above this one. After considerable time, I lay quiet. There was a sharp, hard foot stomp on the floor
above my bed. This time I did not move to note it on the tape recorder. I lay motionless. After a minute or two, double
foot stomps in rapid succession started with a slight pause between each pair. When I finally reached for the tape recorder
next to me to make a verbal note of it, these stopped.
This was a classic procedure which I have caught happening numerous times during the past four years being used against
me to wake me just after I have gone to sleep. The first stomp is to see if I respond. If not, there is an assumption that
I am asleep which is followed by a full scale wake up attempt as described. During the last week I have woken up within 15
or so minutes of going to sleep when exhausted and very tired knowing that an external noise woke me. It is this kind of
noise which does just that. I have verified it numerous times.
Furthermore, last evening while walking from room to room, I was tracked from above by someone who would come and stomp
his feet on the floor above the room where I was. This took place while I was in the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. It was
not surprising to note that this occurred later in the living room where I sleep because I cannot use the bedroom due to excessive
noises. I have never been able to use the bedroom due to the anti-social behaviour which creates these noises from above
as described and those from outside my front door and from the flat below. The least disturbing room happens to be the living
room where I have to sleep.
The point of waking me like this when I have just fallen asleep is to create a reaction from me by either having a nightmare
or talking in my sleep as I wake. This has happened from time to time but is very infrequent. Mostly I just wake up noting
that the area outside my front window is filled with observers who are there to note what is going on. I am the one who is
blamed for what is being done to me. In fact, it is easy to tell that those foot stomps on the floor above my living room
are coming from there and not from me especially with the use of the extensive surveillance equipment. This has been noted
by observers in the past including one group who just got up and departed noting that this was a set up. There are numerous
instance of this verification as well.
Historically Consistent Set Up
Last night was an obvious set up. This activity from the flat above happens often and has been happening very frequently
recently. I make complete notes on all such activity when I am awake or just after I have woken. Whoever is stomping on
the floor above me continues oftentimes after I have woken hoping, evidently, to have this continuing noise attributed to
me. There has been a definite conspiracy and collusion between those in the flat below and above to carry out such harassment
against me trying to wake me as part of an overall effort of chronic sleep deprivation involving any number of different
disturbing noises while simultaneously attributing the noises to me.
I have heard much communication between those in these flats concerning this activity which has taken place daily, 24/7,
over the past four years without ever missing a night. The only reprieve has been when it rains and the harassment activity
from the road outside my front window is subdued. This is what takes over from 0100/0200 to continue throughout the night
after these others stop. Centre to this whole operation for these four plus years has been the female named "PCPHF"
who is the daughter of the woman Tenant [in the neighbouring flat]. "PCPHF" is the mother of the two children who
were abused by or in the presence of the four adults in the flat below whom I reported to the authorities in early May 1998
for child abuse.
She has been at the forefront of the revenge and retaliation against me for having made this entirely legitimate report
at that time to protect the lives of these small children who were at risk from choking and hitting. It was in July 1998
that full scale participation from the flat above was noted in the fabrication of allegations against me. It was into this
flat above that surveillance equipment was first moved four years ago in August/September 1998 to keep track of me in my flat.
This was an Electromagnetic Radiation Imaging Device (EMRID or Rador Imaging) which grew into a system over time. It was
placed at the disposal of the tenants and general public who used it to stalk and harass me then as occurred last night.
Surreptitious Medication
There has been a complete collusion amongst these people to carry out this harassment to fabricate allegations against
me throughout this period. I have done nothing at all except to reduce all my activity so that I could not be accused honestly
of contributing anything to any of the false allegations against me. I have never done anything which could in the least
be construed as harassment, yet I was being falsely accused of doing just that. What evolved over these four years from these
false allegations was the effort to surreptitiously medicate me which has been reinforced by many, many examples of these
people demanding and getting such medication based upon their false allegations.
This is all part of an syndrome to create debility which feeds back upon itself to further enhance the false allegations
against me and are used viciously as such especially by "Lt Harry X" and "PCPHF" who are present 24/7
never leaving my presence at any time when I am awake or asleep in order to dominate and control all that goes on to ensure
that the fabrications are maintained. They are constantly using extreme emotional, threatening and criminal behaviour to
bully, badger and coerce others into submission. My faxes to you of almost two weeks ago on Saturday and Sunday, 27th and
28th July 2002, outlined this activity. It has been stunningly maintained in the face of observers present during these past
two weeks despite their "advice" as to the proper way for these non-law enforcement people to conduct themselves.
Biopsy Surgery On Left Temple One Week Ago, Friday, 2nd August 2002
As noted in an earlier Email at the end of May 2002, I had anticipated biopsies taken one week ago after waiting two months
for such surgery at the St Mary's Dermatology Outpatient Operating Theatre. There were two "plugs" taken with one
stitch each to close those wounds and scrapings between these two areas on my left temple to remove some five growths all
tolled clumped together about one inch in diameter.
From that time until during this writing I have been stalked and harassed mercilessly by "Lt Harry X" and "PCPHF"
using the most sophisticated surveillance equipment ever known to mankind. I was picked up immediately after departing the
surgery theatre with an opening salvo of verbal abuse "He's psychotic" from "Lt Harry X" which continued
as I made my way home. I was most concerned about the impact of the debility created from the harassment by these two following
this surgery with its impact on the healing process. I most importantly did not want any complications.
Thank goodness for the rains which on at least three nights has ensured that I got some sleep. This means over five hours.
The rain subdues the harassment activity, and I just sleep on. Otherwise, when there was no rain I was repeatedly woken throughout
the night and from about 0200 I was kept awake for hours being driven out of bed on three occasions by the constant harassment
all night long by "Lt Harry X" and "PCPHF" from their nightly position in ********* Road outside my front
window. In addition during the early part of the night after I had gone to bed usually around 2200, there were wake ups at
2300 and 2400 caused by external factors including at least one such wake up after I had been asleep for about 15 or 20 minutes.
I believe these early night wake ups are externally generated because on nights when there is rain, I just sleep on as I did
last night from about 2300 to 0200.
The whole point of these externally generated wake ups from above, below or outside are to disturb my sleep in such a
way as to create a problem such as my talking in my sleep when waking. This never occurred. I always know when I wake myself
talking. I have completely documented all this activity as I always do so that the detail is well known. There has always
been a consistent effort to destroy or try to intimidate me from keeping this record. At one point during the past week
it was suggested that the tapes be burned. The desktop computer is still out and cannot access the Internet. This occurred
three weeks ago today as has been described. The problem is most likely a corrupted hard disk from so much interference and
deliberate disruption from the surveillance software activity. Now, apparently, they want to burn the tape diary/log recordings.
Conduct Reprimands
Last week following my Emails to you, there were several observers around watching the conduct of these two. One of these
observers tried to explain to "Lt Harry X" how to behave properly. This is a useless exercise as I well know.
Next time this same person told him "You don't listen do you?" And, on a third occasion this same person was noted
as saying "Now, listen to me," and of course "Lt Harry X" did no such thing at all but continued his protests
in a loud voice attacking me as if this was justification for his criminal vigilante behaviour.
I have long noted that both "PCPHF" and "Lt Harry X" are incorrigible. They are not reasonable people
and will not listen to reason. Once again this past week "Lt Harry X" stated "I'll kill him." When I
made note of this death threat against me, whoever was sitting in a vehicle in the road at the end of the building under my
kitchen window got out and went to talk to him. His reply was "I'm just kidding." This is a most serious offense,
and he was not kidding. He has had his gun taken away from him over a year ago when he made a move to come here to kill me
and had to be restrained. My question is: why is he still allowed to threaten and verbally harass me minute-by-minute 24/7?
Last summer "PCPHF's" father, "RASRP" was imprisoned because of his false allegations against me.
Although I have heard many references to this, it must be verified for I have not been able to do that yet. He was imprisoned
for making false allegations according to descriptions given at various times. He is the "Fifth" adult directly
associated with the flat below. My question about this is why have these others who continuously make false allegations been
allowed to do this without any restraint as occurred with "RASRP?" Not only has he been subdued from carrying out
such actions but has faded from the scene, or, as one person stated, "You better not let the police catch you in this
area." If it was so obvious that one person was guilty of false allegations, why are the others such as "Lt Harry
X" and "PCPHF" being permitted to make false allegations continuously day and night when these have been noted
recently as "lying" by them?
Attack and Destroy Response Following Biopsy Surgery For Past Week
I did everything I could during the past seven days to take care of my surgical wound from the biopsies. Due to the excessive
rain, I stayed home since I could not get it wet which most certainly would have happened on my forehead had I been caught
in the rain. I am waiting for the healing process to complete so that I can evaluate it. It is still not healed fully as
it should be after seven days. The harassment carried out against me this past seven days was as vicious and malicious as
any that I have experienced. "Lt Harry X" and "PCPHF" made every effort to create a problem, portray
false images, have me removed by force and violence from my home and issued a death threat among these other threats of violence.
Yet, they are still allowed to carry on their activity 24/7. Why is that?
1. Chronic sleep deprivation induced from external sources;
2. Surreptitious medication now including morphine; and
3. Minute-by-minute, 24/7 verbal harassment: false allegations and threats of violence.
These are the factors which create a syndrome of interaction reinforcing and compounding each other to create a state
of debility. The function of the body is disrupted and impeded. Ultimately it will kill. It is based upon false allegations
generated from the use of surveillance equipment which then leads to the surreptitious medication and the verbal harassment
abuse picking at the smallest, most inane things by the use of the surveillance equipment once again. This is a vicious circle
that goes in a continuous loop. Now I learn that I have been given morphine which compounds the negative aspects of this
syndrome because some guy "thought" I was psychotic when this itself was and is a false allegation fabricated from
externally induced chronic sleep deprivation and harassment from others whose activity and its impact are falsely attributed
to me. In other words it is a giant hoax.
Cataract Surgery
In December 2000 cataracts were diagnosed in each eye. These resulted directly from the use of EMRID (Radar Imaging)
commencing in August/September 1998. The deterioration of my eyes was tracked assiduously by periodic optometric examinations
from September 1998 onwards with two referrals back to the Western Eye Hospital in 2000 where I had been treated for diplopia
(double vision) in 1998. I have not been able to undergo the corrective cataract surgery because of the stalking and harassment
which has ensued after the December 2000 featuring the ongoing efforts of "PCPHF" and the arrival of "Lt Harry
X" at the beginning of 2001. My risk assessment was accurate.
I have run a sort of unanticipated trial with regard to the biopsy surgery recovery process to see if I would be permitted
to recover from that surgery as a guideline as to what might occur if I had the cataract surgery. There is no way I can possibly
contemplate any such surgery involving my eyes after the way I have been treated during the past seven days following the
biopsy surgery. It was intentionally brutal in the extreme with every effort made to cause me as much damage and harm as possible.
Cataract surgery is a similar outpatient operation with one eye done at a time separated by three to four weeks. I have
no confidence that I could depend upon all the factors of stability required to ensure that healing at home would take place
given the criminal acts being carried out against me at present as I have experienced over the last seven days. It is my
belief that every effort would be made to destroy my eyesight by trying to cause permanent damage during the recovery process.
This is what would have occurred during the past seven days had I had eye surgery instead of the biopsy surgery.
Her Majesty's Government Clearly Responsible
The bottom line is that it is Her Majesty's Government who is responsible for all that is happening to me in this environment
since there have been many observers watching all that has been going on. They have either known or should have known all
that is happening and taken steps to stop it immediately for it constitutes a direct threat to my life in addition to the
threat to the biopsy surgery healing process as well. Then I learned last night that I have been given morphine on top of
it all to further contribute to debility while aiding the false allegation syndrome further compounded by the externally induced
chronic sleep deprivation with all of its manifestations obvious to all who do not want to keep their eyes and ears closed.
It is a grand stitch up that has sown its own web of deceit for all to know.
There is only one cure for this problem after over four years of it: "Lt Harry X" and "PCPHF" who
are neither residents nor have any official law enforcement professional reason to be in this area should be removed forthwith
and kept away. If they will not do this voluntarily, and I think they will not since refusals have abounded daily for years,
they should be removed by legal procedures and restrained by the Magistrate's Court as is proper for those who are carrying
out life threatening stalking and harassment. If "RASRP" was so arrested and imprisoned being now kept away, then
such procedures should certainly apply more so to these two who make false allegations a complete life style to the effect
of harming society itself greatly in many, many ways.
This is fabrication and not an investigation. All the actions of "Lt Harry X" and "PCPHF" are, in
their own words, intended to:
1. "Shut him down"
2. "Break him down"
3. "Kidnap him"
4. "Kill him"
These are not the ways of a democracy. They are the ways of vigilantes.
Yours sincerely,
Gary D Chance
Email distribution:
"US Gov President George W Bush"
"UK Gov The Prime Minister Tony Blair"
<by fax 0207 925 0918>
"UK Gov HM Treasury Chancellor Gordon Brown"
"UK Gov Home Office Secretary David Blunkett"
"UK Gov DOH Secretary Alan Millburn"
"UK Gov DWP Secretary Andrew Smith"
"UK Gov DTI&W Secretary Patricia Hewitt"
"UK Gov MP Karen Buck" <>,
"St Mary's Chief Executive" <>
"St Charles Chief Executive" <>
"Western Eye Hospital General Manager"
"Media BBC Today" <>,
"Media BBC PM" <>,
"Media BBC World At One" <>,
"Media BBC Broadcasting House" <>
"Media Telegraph Crime" <>,
"Media Independent News Editor"
"Media Times Letters" <>,
"Media Times Sunday Letters" <>
"Media Guardian Letters" <>,
"Media Evening Standard Letters" <>
Five Death Threats in One Day Following the Above Correspondence
Five Death Threats
Sunday, 28th July 2002
The Right Honourable Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
BY FAX 0207 925 0918
Dear Mr Prime Minister
Re "Five Death Threats Today"
With reference to my fax of Friday, 9th August 2002, Re "I'm giving him morphine. I thought he was psychotic"
and my two prior faxes of two weeks ago on Saturday and Sunday, 27th and 28th July 2002, please note that the US Government
Agent, the US-ex-Marine "Lt Harry X" has threatened to kill me five separate times today throughout the day.
These were apparently made in conjunction with his intention to coerce and blackmail Her Majesty's Government and/or law
enforcement officials to carry out a crime against me to remove me by force and violence from my own home for no legal reason
whatsoever. These death threats also seemed to be made in conjunction with attempts to get him to cease and desist his criminal
conduct and/or give up his vigilante activities directed against me which have been outlined in the previous faxes.
Remaining behind these death threats including one made yesterday afternoon is an going minute-by-minute stalking and
harassment campaign carried out 24/7 intended to do as much damage and harm to me as possible by means of every possible surveillance
technology equipment known to man. These are being used as weapons to fabricate and not as tools to investigate. He is attempting
to create mental illness while he keeps calling me "Psychotic" and "Potty" by attacking everything that
I do without any regard for the relevance or validity of such actions. In the first place, it never should be done at all.
I have no psychological problems just the physiological impact from the actions carried out against me 24/7 for these four
plus years.
Further, he continues to incite others by his false allegations attempting to foment fear, anger, hatred, rage and bigotry
based upon ignorance. This is accomplished in lieu of the proper processing of evidence and substantive material in the legal
justice system because it does not exist since his allegations are fabrications and do not reflect reality. These allegations
are a product of his obsessional delusions which he repeats continuously 24/7 under my windows so that I can hear hoping to
make them a reality by repetition.
This has resulted in a continuation of the foot stomping on the floor above my living room ceiling all night long on Friday
night waking me several times especially at about 0300 a couple times. This has resulted in a group of vigilante males laughing
and harassing from 0200 to 0400 outside my window on Sunday morning early. This was the group led by the "Laugher"
who was the person who yelled "I hate Americans" several times under my window on Monday evening, 10th September
2001 the night before "911". I am an Irish citizen.
The past 48 hours since my fax to you on Friday afternoon last has seen an intense campaign by "Lt Harry X"
to get me removed from my home for fabricated and irrelevant reasons with no foundation in reality to the point where he was
at such an emotional extreme today that he had to try to coerce Her Majesty's Government and others to carry out such a crime
by threatening to kill me. He always responds with words intended to attack and destroy when he is legitimately and rationally
thwarted from his criminal objective and others try to reason with him.
There has been no lack for others present this weekend who have urged him to restrain himself with one in apparent authority
stating "Leave him alone." However, he refuses to recognise what anyone else says to him at all. That is why he
just blunders on threatening to kill me if he does not get his vigilante way.
I believe that there is plenty of scope under UK law to cover all the aspects of his behaviour to ensure that he is properly
restrained and my rights protected. I also believe that such threats completely preclude any actions he urges without solid
judicial backing since Her Majesty's Government has been put into a position that whatever acts it carries out against me
will be at present seen as being at the instigation and under the threat of death against me from this vigilante.
Yours sincerely,
Gary D Chance
Email distribution:
"US Gov President George W Bush"
"UK Gov The Prime Minister Tony Blair"
<by fax 0207 925 0918>
"UK Gov HM Treasury Chancellor Gordon Brown"
"UK Gov Home Office Secretary David Blunkett"
"UK Gov DOH Secretary Alan Millburn"
"UK Gov DWP Secretary Andrew Smith"
"UK Gov DTI&W Secretary Patricia Hewitt"
"UK Gov MP Karen Buck" <>,
"St Mary's Chief Executive" <>
"St Charles Chief Executive" <>
"Western Eye Hospital General Manager"
"Media BBC Today" <>,
"Media BBC PM" <>,
"Media BBC World At One" <>,
"Media BBC Broadcasting House" <>
"Media Telegraph Crime" <>,
"Media Independent News Editor"
"Media Times Letters" <>,
"Media Times Sunday Letters" <>
"Media Guardian Letters" <>,
"Media Evening Standard Letters" <>